
Creative Writing: Beyond Blood

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Beyond Blood Claws sink into my shoulders, tearing through my skin, my muscle, drawing long lines down my back. I am tense, trying to fight back against the beast that is unseen and everywhere. It pulls at my eyes, blurring my vision, tugging unwanted tears from me, making it near impossible to see the dark green carpet of my room. Blood runs hot through my veins, rage and fear uncontrolled in me. My thoughts are jumbled as I try to win a struggle with my invisible enemy, words running together in my mind. “Abby?” Calm, Skye is a rock in the ocean of my mind, one I cling to with what little I can muster. “What’s happening?” Through my headphones she can’t hear the yelling, the monster that roars around me, deafening me to every noise except her quiet breathing at the other end of the phone. My body shakes, my voice unsteady, “My sister—and …show more content…

“Umm… Kitties? You have kittens, and I found this amazing fanfic where—” Her words run together, her voice a shield around me as I hide from the demons that try to claim me as their own. They want me to dance with them in the darkness, to have blood fall from my mouth, and the starlight be ripped from my eyes. They want me to be one of them, to taunt those who are weak, to prey on them when they can’t stand, can’t use their own claws in defense. They want me to— “I have to say, BTS’s Fire is amazing, and Suga, his voice is to die for.” I grasp at her, then at my bag, trying to find the medication to help me calm. “Skye—where would I keep my meds?” My voice breaks with each word, my hands continuing to search through my purse, looking for the small blue bottles. I don’t care which one I find, not when they’re both homeopathics meant to calm me, not when they both work. I just need one to help steady my hands, my mind. “Oh, bae, I don’t know,” Her endearing term goes right over my head, when usually I would have reacted. Just another testament to how off I

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