head up.” The Senior Master Sergeant ordered. “Bell you lead the way. Wo you bring up the rear.” SSG Bell with weapon ready began his accent up the stairs, moving carefully and attempting to listen for any noise from above. He stopped for a moment once he reached the second floor landing. He noticed the stairs kept rising, odds are to the roof. “What do you want to do?” He looked back. “Let’s head up to the roof, if that’s where they go, if it is we should be a better idea of what’s going on.” SSG Bell wasn’t really interested in the whys and how’s he only wanted to know what the next order was for now. He moved up the stairs until he came to a door, he twisted the handle and gently nudged it open, peering through the small opening …show more content…
Dr. Lee took a deep breath and headed down the stairs, followed by SSG Bell with SSG Wo bringing up the rear. At the bottom of the stairs there were two large double wooden doors, “Do we knock?” Wally asked the two other men. “Can’t hurt.” SSG Bell said, at least he hoped not. Wally knocked on the door, but it didn’t make much of a sound, so he pounded this time on the door, although louder, no one answered. He then decided to pull on one of the large rings, the door barely budged, but it did open slightly. SSG Bell helped him, grabbing the ring with both hands the two men pulled hard, the door opened slowly, “Could use some WD-40.” SSG Bell …show more content…
SSG Bell was standing in a large hallway once he stepped in, the hallway ran left to right on either side and both sides were lit, the same as the hallway. “SSG Bell asked. Wally looked both ways, neither way looked any better than the other, “Let’s go left.” “No reason, it looks just a good as going right.” Wally responded. SSG Wo couldn’t argue with the logic. “Look no matter what we’re going to do we don’t have a lot of time, we got thirty minutes at most. Then we need to get out of here and back to the shuttle or the Senior Master Sergeant is going to have our asses.” “Roger that, we don’t want that.” SSG Bell replied. They headed left following the lights, they walked for a quarter of a kilometer, then there were several rooms that broke off to the left and right, but the primary hallway kept moving forward. The rooms had doors, Wally tried one, but it was locked, he tried the others and they were all locked. It was unusual, considering the main door into the complex was unlocked. “Do you want to keep going?” SSG Bell asked the two other
Finally, he arrived. As soon as he entered the building, he saw the “Out of Order” sign on the elevator. He raced up the stairs and made it into the room just in time.
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I then knock loudly on Mr H's door so that he is aware of my prescence and await his reply, he called for me to 'come in'. On entering the room I
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The door that we approach was a light tan and even though you had to have key to access the room; it did not scream out, “I’m scary.” Once inside, you have a hall leading to an opening to a giant kitchen and on each side of the hall, there were doors that were open that they can ensure the patients were inside. There were also bar railing on each side of the wall which leads all the way to the end
We walked into the prison to see a dark entrance . we then went through a door that took us into a hallway . Mr.Kirwin then stopped to show me
Seeing as there was nowhere else to go, you shuffled over to the opening and frowned. It was dark and you could just barely make out a doorway to what was most likely another room. What really threw you off guard was how nicely the doorway was carved. An intricate pattern wove itself around the exit. Did that mean… someone else was here? At the thought of possibly being able to get out of here with the help of another person made you scurry over to the patterned doorway with little hesitation. The sleeves of your two-sizes-too-big sweater fell down to wrap loosely around your forearms when you reach over and grabbed the wall to peak around into the next area.
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“WayWay!,” Jesse said loud, trying to not shout in case he woke the residents up. He scuttled down the path after his brother, who was determined to knock on this door. Up the rickety porch steps he went, it creaked and crackled under his weight.
We looked around the dark place that was rarely lit up by torches, I spotted a rope and some steps, so we decided to head to the steps. BOOM! A giant wall was suddenly in our way, it had a pattern like a bejeweled puzzle. We decided to touch one… BAM! The door
“This is so surreal” I stood gazing at the ornamental door at the end of the hall. Like everything else it’s covered in fake gold, faintly glistening from the ceiling lights. Slowly we walk up to it, keeping ears out for the sound of footsteps. The Ranger hides me from sight, forcing me in-between a large table and the wall. He slowly puts his thumb on the scan pad next to the door, waiting for it to grant him access. There is no beep.
He was so puzzled from seeing the mysterious door that he had forgotten about the voice that had come from nowhere. The first thing he thought to do was to look around for anyone and then hop in. He assumed that it was just the electrical system for the ride but he still wanted to explore. In his mind he was saying, “look before he leaped” but he didn’t, he just opened it slowly, while closing his eyes and hopped in. He fell and fell and fell and fell. For it seemed like three weeks of falling. Down, down, down and down he went until…