
Creative Writing: Deer Hunting

Decent Essays

Isaac looked up from the blood on the ground and gripped the rough handle of his spear tighter. The rough stone spearpoint was nicked badly, and covered in dried blood. ‘This thing won’t last much longer.’ I thought. I got up from my crouch after rubbing some of the blood between two fingers. It was still wet, but it looked like it was starting to dry in the intense sunlight. I’m getting closer then. I’ve been following the deer for the last hour fairly successfully. There were a few times he had gotten off track and Piper had to help him pick up the trail, such as when it had run through a creek, or when it had run over a large rock outcropping, or if it just ran through a particularly thick patch of jungle. This had happened on and off since …show more content…

It had a badly chipped blade. Bad luck. I’m gonna have to knap a new one when I get back to camp. Apparently it had been knocked out as it ran by. Since I was still close to camp, I turned back and got Piper and Thomas. Piper was a wild dog I picked up a couple of months ago, after I killed her mother, defending myself, of course. I would need Piper’s nose to help me follow the deer, and I’d need Thomas to help get it back to camp. Depending on how far it went, and which direction it went, it could be troublesome, as we are surrounded by numerous ravines and craggy mountains. Not to mention the thick foliage that made up this god forsaken jungle. I was thinking this would be a good trial hunt for Piper. Throughout her training, I realized that she was very good at it. She took to it quickly, and followed commands well. She could follow most scent trails I sent her on back in camp, so I thought she’d perform just as well out here. I was …show more content…

To my horror, it stands up and stalks towards us. This is when Piper whines with worry. She hunkers down a little at my feet, but at least she doesn’t run away. Both Thomas and I make eye contact, an unspoken understanding not to run. If this thing decided to chase us, we would not make it even ten steps. I see Thomas his knuckles turning turning white gripping the spear, suddenly aware I am doing the same thing. Then I look down at my own hands and I realize that I’m doing the same thing. I look at Thomas and see that he is tensing up, ready to spring, and I do the same. Better to strike first and startle it, then to let it get the

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