"Sometimes you gotta let something bad happen, or else you wont know how to fix things when they go wrong later." The words drifted back into her mind as she stood on the sidewalk. Ashes fluttered down, landing in her hair and on her clothes, smearing soot onto her skin and black across her vision. She should have listened. "If you don't ever make mistakes, you can't fix anything when it finally goes wrong. You're justa' kid, a good kid, so you have to learn how to fall down and get back up before you're too old." She had fallen down. Oh, she had fallen down so hard, scraping her knees and cheeks and elbows, bruising her shins and skinning her palms. She should have listened, she should have known how to get up. …show more content…
And now it had all come crashing down. Smoke burned her lungs, but she didn't move, couldn't move. "And sometimes you have to mess up for people. They might give you a weird look, or hate you for it because they don't understand, but they'll understand it eventually, and they'll thank you." Orange heat burned on her cheeks, red and yellow flickered in her eyes as the flames danced across the wooden boards. Why didn't she listen...But she had listened. She had learned. She had made mistakes. "But remember, kid, even standing back up leaves scars. They might fade away, but don't get angry if they don't. They're proof you lived, that you hurt. That you fell down and were smart enough to drag yourself to the finish line." She had made too many mistakes, ignored more than she needed to. And now the house was burning. It was over, all over. Something fell near her, crashed down from the ceiling and showered sparks and embers onto her shirt and arms. It burned, it burned so much, but she couldn't move. "But no-matter how many mistakes you make or don't make, I'll stand beside you, okay? I'll back you up. You don't have to be the only one on your team. Two sisters fighting everyone else if it has to
She looked and saw nothing, gulping in cleansing, scouring draughts of air. Her hair whipped around her face, and the world was reduced to fragments and blurs, spots and smudges of something unreal. A train whistled through the air behind her, silent as a nightmare. Nothing had ever echoed so vividly as the moan of her own despair.
“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” I agree with this statement, because everyone makes a mistake at least once in their life. All a mistake does is show that you are human. What matters is what you do with your mistake.
“It started again.” Berlin’s voice was small and weak. For a second the only sound that could be heard was the creaking of the fire. Berlin looked up at her. He could feel his eyes start to water. Berlin’s cheeks burned. He knew he it was pointless to cry at ten years old. This was the time when he was supposed to be brave, not scared. But he couldn’t help
A trickle of fear had her lying motionless with her eyes closed, straining to hear the slightest noise. A deep sigh of regret and the pressure of a body by her side made her acutely aware that she wasn’t alone.
When the going gets tough, I'm not always sure what you do. I'm not saying that I know how to fix everything when the going gets tough, but I do know this: when the going goes tough, you don't quit. And you don't fold up. And you don't go in the other direction. ~ John Madden.
“ Sometimes you need bad things to happen to inspire you to change and grow.”- Robert Tew.
¨If it doesn't kill you, it always makes you stronger¨. She told me her story about her family and She had to make a choice to stay or leave and she decided to leave for the sake of her son. That saying holds a lot of value to me
When she was finished, she knew what she had done had been awful. She stood up, did her curtsey, and slowly walked back to her seat. She tried not to cry as she felt every eye in the room fixed upon her, and as she endured the pain from some of the negative comments some people sitting
URING a chilly night, in the midst of the winter season, Miss Maudie’s house caught on fire. This alarmed the whole neighborhood, as they rushed to go help put out the fire.
Her strength seemed leaving her as quickly as the air became progressively thicker around her and heavier into her lungs. Despite her protesting muscles, she tried to shift one last time while her eyelids fluttered shut as she was laying helplessly on the bed, trapped and condemned to what would certainly be her last sleep.
Mistakes are meant to be learned from. Nothing can be altered in life without having wrong doings in life. A boy named Edmund in The Chronicles of Narnia,
I was wearing a black t-shirt that perfectly complimented my porcelain coloured skin, and she was in the process of lighting a cigarette. I don’t condone smoking, I don’t like doing it, but my God I liked it on her. As the match swiped across the dulled beige box, the flame ignited. The bright red glow of the burning match completed how I was feeling about her, how I always feel about her. She would set me on fire, then put me out again. Slowly, she pulled the ignition to her “dart,” (that’s what she likes to call them,) and I watched as the ember consumed the end of the stick and the light danced eerily across her face. Inhale. Double inhale. Exhale. The smoked poured from her mouth like someone dropping a glass of red wine, and before it
The fire from the stone hearth cast out its warmth. Arthur’s feet, still damp from a wonderful soak in water mixed with some herbs to relieve the aches, basked in the comforting heat. His elbow rested on the arm of the ornate chair, its high, straight back did nothing to relieve the aches in his spine. With his chin resting on his hand, his blue eyes reflected the glowing reds and oranges of the nearby flames.
“Failure doesn’t mean you will never achieve, it just means it takes a little longer.”
Suddenly she felt a stinging, then numbing sensation run up her legs and was strapped into a wheelchair. She was rolled into a very dark and presumably vacant room.