
Creative Writing: Holes In The Home

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Dogs have chewed through the front door; half of the door is missing. There is a hole in the front door, and a blanket is covering the hole part of the door. It is unknown how long the door has been that way. The family has been in the home for about 2 or 3 months. The living room ceiling is caved in from water damage. Joshua sleeps on the couch in the living room. The installation and mold can be seen in the home. It is unknown if the children have been sick due to the mold being in the home. There are lady bugs, and wasps in the home. There is no running water in the home; the hasn’t been running water since the family has been in the home. The house belongs to someone else. Jennifer abuses cocaine on a daily basis; she just buys the drugs. She has not …show more content…

Joshua wear dirty clothes, and he has a body odor like he does not bathe. The children seem like they are depressed. It is believed Haleigh cut herself. She has marks on her left arm, up towards her shoulders. The reporter hasn’t asked Haleigh about the marks. Jennifer stated herself Haleigh cuts herself. It is unknown what Haleigh uses when she cuts herself. It is unknown if Haleigh has had mental help due to her cutting herself. Haleigh was arrested for shoplifting before, and afterwards she went to see a therapist, or a counselor. Haleigh is bipolar, and she has depression. Haleigh takes a lot of medication, some for anxiety; she does take her medication. Yesterday, 3.15.2018, Jennifer gave Haleigh 2 bottles of non-prescribed pills for migraines; it is unknown how many pills were consumed by Haleigh. Joshua has been in and out of mental facilities. Joshua has an unknown condition; he is somewhat autistic, and he has anger issues. Some of Joshua’s clothes are too small, because he wears the same clothes he has worn since he was a few years younger. The children were last seen yesterday, and the reporter has not spoken with Jennifer about

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