Have you ever wondered if a dog or a cat was better than the other? Well this is a story on a dog and a cat running into each other in Jashua’s house then debating who is better.
One peaceful day, in a neighborhood where you hear kids playing, yelling and running around. With the howls of the dogs, and the smiles of the neighbors. Cats are knocking down trash cans in the alleyway. Meanwhile in Jashua’s house was the house that made you feel warm, protected, and you always feel comfort. Until a cat named sparkles snuck in and a dog named Ralph escaped from his cage. Then, the cat and dog bump into each other harder that a hammer hitting a nail. “Achk a dog” said sparkles. Have you ever wondered if a dog or a cat was better than the other? Well this
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“Well, I know I am better because I do not roll around in the mud like a pig!” said Sparkles.
“But… at least I don’t get cranky when it’s time to play” said Ralph.
“Unlike you I don’t get too excited over play time, then break something” said sparkles.
“Sparkles, Ralph does have a point you do need to start respecting your owner” Joshua pointed out.
“Ralph, Sparkles is right, you always end up breaking something” Joshua said in shame.
“Oh, well I’m sorry I just get very hyper!” Ralph said squirming his tail.
“Well, when you put it that way I feel bad” said Sparkles looking down.
“I think you two just made friends out of each other” said Joshua happily.
That was the story of a dog and a cat that ended up being friends. Now we all know that we are all equal no matter what. The End.
“Hi my name is ralph!” said the dog whale shacking his tail.
“Just get away from me you dog!” said the cat in disgust.
“Well your on better than me” said Ralph. “Yes I am, humph even a rat would love me” said sparkles. Then, Jashua comes from the kitchen. “Hey what are you two complaining about?” said Jashua. “Sparkles thinks she’s better than me!” said
For example, when Gracie is looking at her reflection in the mirror, Gracie mentions that “Max found God in her” life (6). When Gracie specifies that particular detail, the protagonist is demonstrating that the dog has won Gracie’s heart. Indeed, Max’s “pure love” has open Gracie’s heart and brought themselves nearer to each other. In fact, the dog is her whole life when Harvey left Gracie. Therefore, the author uses a dog to show us that leaving behind weak relationships can cause positive emotions.
“A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours...he taught me about friendship and selflessness and, above all else, unwavering loyalty,” says John Grogan, author of Marley & Me. Although dogs are just animals, they can bring out the best characteristics in people. Recently, an exploration of one of the most well-known pieces of canine non-fiction and an exploration of my own life has taught me just how true this is. In John Grogan’s Marley & Me and in my life, patience, flexibility, and love are frequently illustrated.
As the rain of hardship and pain floods the souls of one family, the silent but all-seeing pet dog learns to stand by his family and ultimately learn, throughout his life, the art of racing in the rain. Within Stein’s The Art of Racing in the Rain, the story is told from the perspective of the common household dog, Enzo. This unparalleled perspective displays the trust that many people place upon a dog’s shoulders, but Enzo’s point of view also shows how beautifully bonded Denny, Eve, Zoe and Enzo are through the trials of life and death. While Enzo cannot speak, he thoughtfully forms ideas about what he would say if he were a human; nevertheless, Enzo’s inability to speak makes him wise beyond his dog years, for as humans, we tend to speak what is on our mind before considering the impact that it will leave upon
An animal can be the best thing to happen to a person. As the old saying goes: a dog is a man's’ best friend. People share their homes with their furry friends and gain relationships that are remembered until, perhaps, the rest of their days- just like an old friend. In Bilger’s article, he mentions the relationship between Lady, the sick cat, and her owners, Karen and Shawn Levering, and why the couple was so willing to give up so much for her. “If they were willing to go this far for a cat, it was partly out of a sense of misfortune. But mostly it was a matter of love” (Bilger, part 1, paragraph
Whether it is an inside cuddle buddy, or an outside mice killer, cats make wonderful pets. While dogs stay dirty, drool, and bark, cats clean themselves, are clean animals, and meow quietly. Cats are warm and fuzzy and love to cuddle while they take naps. Dogs are too rambunctious and energetic. Cats make better pets than dogs.
I have never considered that a book about a dog could be so appealing and full of deep thoughts. But I changed my viewpoint after reading the autobiographical novel “Marley & Me” written by John Grogan which depicts an astonishing story about the neurotic and loyal, clumsy and loving dog named Marley. In fact, as the author mentioned in some interviews, he intended to write the “dog story”, but soon after he realized that it was impossible to do so without including the family life [2]. That is why the title “Marley & Me” encapsulates the main topic of the book such as the relationship between a human and a pet. To start with let me introduce main characters: John, Jenny, and Marley.
I have heard the old saying that dogs are man’s best friend. I don’t know much about dogs, but I do know a lot about cats. I have had a cat as a pet for at least 30 years. They are wonderful and I know I will always have one in my life. I think cats make the perfect pet because they are self sufficient, intelligent, and good companions.
I think dogs are better than cats for many reasons. I’m sure it is not without reason that dogs are called “man’s best friend.” They are loyal, obedient, and also protective. Even if their attempts at protection are sometimes unnecessary, at least they try.
One of the most debated arguments to this day would have to be that cats are better than dogs. Did you know that more people own cats than dogs? In the US, 95.6 Million people own cats compared to the 83.3 million who own dogs. This speech will state why cats are smarter, cleaner, easier to look after and are also beneficial for your health, such as lowering your blood pressure and lowering your cholesterol.
Are you a cat person or a dog person? In the age-old schism of cats versus dogs, there has always been a debate for both sides. No matter what side is taken there will always be a debate about which animal is superior.
One of the dog’s best advantage is that according to the article, ”they can be trained to protect your home, keeping it safe from harm.”(Anonymous) The dog’s ability to defend it’s owner alone justifies it as the better option for many every household from the frail elderly to the budding family. Furthermore the cat cannot adequately guard its household, and may even disregard its owner’s property and viciously destroy furniture as mentioned
While dogs and cats are a lot alike, you have to consider their differences before you choose your pet. As mentioned before cats do not require cleaning nor exercising or training, while dogs are in need of all these things. If you want to raise a pet then, try to manage your time before you choose your best
Another difference between cats and dogs is their social interactions. Dogs are more of pack animals. Members of their pack or family are very critical to them. They look for a
Having a pet is a wonderful idea. Pets bring companionship, personality, and gut wrenching humor to households across the world. Having previously owned both a cat and a dog, and currently being without a pet, I began to think about getting a new furry friend. Born a dog lover, and bred into a cat lover, I had the difficult decision of choosing one of the two.
Thesis statement: After living with them, I have noticed that although there are innumerable similarities between the dog and the cat, there are also some important differences.