
Creative Writing: My First Vietnam War

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My new, too-small boots make a loud thumping sound as I scuff through the enormous dirt landscape that seems to go on indefinitely. I can feel my belt tight around my waist heavy with bullets I pray that I don't have to use. The helmet I am wearing is strapped too tight under my chin, slightly pinching my neck. The open plains here remind me of a farm, once holding animals, now holding soldiers. After standing around awkwardly for a few minutes, watching everyone go about their training someone notices me and begins to come over to the ancient wire fence entangled with undergrowth that I have taken refuge near. The man struggles through the unruly crowd to reach me and immediately I notice that his uniform is different to mine, this man looks as if he is very high up in the ranks, perhaps a general. "'Ey son, how are ya?" "Fantastic" I lie, I feel out of place here, like a fish in the jungle, finding it difficult to breathe. …show more content…

You should be proud that you have been chosen to join us, after all, we are the ones that are going to eliminate the psychotic outsiders forever. Those people are pimples on the face of humanity, rats, living on the outskirts of civilisation." He paused and then smiled, his smile was one of those awful smiles that only go halfway up your face, almost like a smirk, instantly I felt uneasy. "I can already tell that it's only a matter of time before you make me proud! Will you will be one of our best fighters huh son?" He says expectantly, my stomach gives a lurch of disgust as I comprehend what he is talking about but even so, he is expecting an answer so I manage to choke one

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