"Cassie." "Cassie!!!" I felt someone shaking me, causing me to wake up and I looked up disappointed to see it was my dad. "We're here Cassie" I looked around only to see that the plane was still landing and I gave my dad the evil eye for not letting me sleep until the last second. I looked out of the window and didn't actually expect England to be this beautiful. My dad saw me gawking at the sublime sights and said "I told you England wouldn't be so bad." I could only nod since I was too tired to deny what he said so I just kept my mouth shut. "The landing process will be complete within 2 minutes, please stay seated until the plane stops moving", I heard the pilot say over the loud speakers as the plane got lower and lower until it hit the ground. After 2 minutes of me just staring out the window, the plane finally stopped moving. …show more content…
Have a nice day and get to your destination safely." I got up and groaned as my legs felt like jelly after sitting down for so long. I got my bags and suitcase from the compartment and waited for my dad to get his things too. We finally got off the plane and I felt kind of dizzy as I took a breath. My dad flagged down a taxi New York style and I giggled as I saw how weird my dad and I looked amongest everyone else. Eventually a taxi came and my dad took our lougage and put in the trunk of the taxi and I hopped in. "The royal house," my dad said after the taxi driver asked where we wanted to
It was a British Airways flight. As I stand at the airport with my father. At that moment, I felt all kind of the emotions was flowing within my body. It was my last day in India I am leaving everything behind my life, childhood memories and my country. Some of our relatives come to drop us off to the airport. My friends and coworker were calling me on my phone and telling me Good bye and Best luck for future.
The forest had gone.... and the Witch looked much younger. Audette opened her eyes and had found herself upon a brow of white lilies. The shape of the shrouded old woman seemed changed. Having turned around, and opened her mantle to the tearing gusts, Meliza revealed to the young lady two streams of shinging blackness and smooth white flesh. Audette stopped in her tracks.
After John harnessed the team to the wagon, he, Charity, and Charles loaded Uriah into it. She and Charles then headed to town with him. She left John and Martha Jane to watch over the younger children, with strict orders that they had all better be on their best behavior until her return. John was nearly twelve; she figured he ought to be capable of watching the little ones.
After saying goodnight to Simon and Magnus, Clary quickly shut the door to the library. The hallway was silent and still as the ocean tide, she had heard Lilian call for her just as her best friends in the world told her their goodbyes for the night. Magnus had conjured up a portal which would take him and Simon back to the village where they lived. Simon lived in a simple but modest house, on the outskirts of town, on a farm with his Mother and older sister. Magnus however, resided in a small, comfortable loft just above the local clothing store.
I had never been on an airplane. My stomach felt like I had just eaten rotten fish and I was about to throw up. I was so excited to go, but at the same time I was scared because I had never been on a plane. We waited in the airport for at least an hour. Finally our flight was called, as I walked on the plane my heart was about to jump out of my skin. After the flight attendant had went through all the rules and we put our seat belts on the plane was going to take off. I thought the worst thing about the flight was taking off and landing. I didn?t like taking off and landing because my ears popped. Other than the fact that my ears popped taking off and landing the flight went smooth, we didn?t crash. When the plane landed, I couldn?t wait to stand on solid ground again.
When I first stepped on an airplane, I was just a 7-year-old little girl who was excited to explore a humongous aircraft. When I saw the size of the airplane, I was just astonished to see how immense and accommodating it was. When I entered the plane, the crew helped me and my parents find our seats. As we settled into our seats, I was so glad to have a lot of space. When the plane took off, I was terrified by the sound and by the change in altitude. My ears popped and I started to cry unaware that the popping of your ear was normal. As soon as the plane stopped ascending, the crew started to distribute drinks and lunch. The food was so fresh and amazing that once I was full, I fell asleep. When I woke up I found out that only an hour was left
I saw many people there. In my 8 year old mind i was so amazed on how a plane, something so tiny that i had seen while being outside and playing with my friends could hold that many people. I could see by my mom and brother body language they were both excited and yet terrified of this flying machine. We were the first people called on to enter the plane. I tried to take in the moment as much as i could since; even from a young age i knew the significance of the that day. As i walked in, last one behind my family, i was extratic to enter the plane. Standing and waving in front of me were these two ladies in blue uniforms. Standing behind them were 2 male guys in suits. I tapped lincoln from behind and said “Lincoln!” “Those two guys are our pilots!” I was so excited it was like I was meeting
I then sulked upstairs and packed every single object in my room. Five hours later a voice announced, "Thanks for choosing Emirates, we will depart in the next ten minutes." At least I can watch
The next morning at 2:00am we woke up, and started driving to the airport with my mom. As we are getting on the plane my heart is beating a million miles per hour, I hate planes so much they give me anxiety.
Boarding the airplane was interesting. After arriving at the airport and saying goodbye to my family, it was time to move to check in my flight. While in the line he could hear a sweet voice calling
About an hour later all of our stuff was packed and ready to go. Me and my son were nervous, neither of us had ever been in a helicopter before and didn’t want to find out would happen if we crashed. The pilot went over instructions on how to safely be in a helicopter. I listened very carefully but couldn’t hear much over the helicopter’s roaring blades. I ended up falling asleep over the Atlantic Ocean.The next thing I knew was when the pilot yelled “Brace yourselves!”.
The light to put our seatbelts on glowed as the captain spoke to us and flight attendants acted out safety instructions. At take-off my stomach was filled with butterflies, but I wasn't scared. My body was pushed into the seat but I pretended I was the captain of a fighter jet. When we were stable I discovered that flying wasn't that bad. And the ocean looked beautiful out the windows! I put on my CD player until the played the in-flight movie, Planet of the Apes. I didn't like it so I kept listening to my CD player all the way through dinner. I fell asleep but the sound of the captains voice woke me. He was telling us there was an hour left of the flight. Flight attendants asked us to stow away our bags and prepare for landing. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach again as I anticipated the landing. I felt the plane lose
I walked beside my dad while Ethan was still being carried by him. Outside in the parking lot was a van that we drove home in. It was the longest drive of my life. I was sitting right next to my younger
I was fascinated at the airport seeing people from all different backgrounds, and so many people at once. It was a very exciting time for me. The airplane ride was lingering. I fell asleep on my mom's soft shoulder for most of it. Finally, when we arrived you could feel the broiling airs. I already had little sweat beads going down my forehead. The palm trees everywhere. Being in the United States all my life this was like a whole different universe for me.
The second I stepped off of the plane I felt anxious and hot, very hot. This being my first time outside of the United States was a completely new experience and everything was foreign to me. After we retrieved our bags from the baggage claim we headed out and were promptly picked up by a bus which carried us out of the city of San Jose, Costa Rica through mountains and jungle and delivered us to our cabins where we would be staying for the week. After a combined sixteen hours of travel we were here. As we stood on top of what seemed to me to be a mountain overlooking the city I was taken aback I have never seen anything like it. It was amazing.