
Creative Writing: My Hero's Journey

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"Cassie." "Cassie!!!" I felt someone shaking me, causing me to wake up and I looked up disappointed to see it was my dad. "We're here Cassie" I looked around only to see that the plane was still landing and I gave my dad the evil eye for not letting me sleep until the last second. I looked out of the window and didn't actually expect England to be this beautiful. My dad saw me gawking at the sublime sights and said "I told you England wouldn't be so bad." I could only nod since I was too tired to deny what he said so I just kept my mouth shut. "The landing process will be complete within 2 minutes, please stay seated until the plane stops moving", I heard the pilot say over the loud speakers as the plane got lower and lower until it hit the ground. After 2 minutes of me just staring out the window, the plane finally stopped moving. …show more content…

Have a nice day and get to your destination safely." I got up and groaned as my legs felt like jelly after sitting down for so long. I got my bags and suitcase from the compartment and waited for my dad to get his things too. We finally got off the plane and I felt kind of dizzy as I took a breath. My dad flagged down a taxi New York style and I giggled as I saw how weird my dad and I looked amongest everyone else. Eventually a taxi came and my dad took our lougage and put in the trunk of the taxi and I hopped in. "The royal house," my dad said after the taxi driver asked where we wanted to

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