Aw, is the wittle 'chosen one' not being tweated faiwly? He mocked to himself. What a weakling you are, Skywalker. And you're any better? The cruel voice inside of him reprimanded. You weren't strong enough to do what she asked of you. Touche, he responded. “Take a seat, young Skywalker,” he heard Windu snap. Though I am fairly sure I was never as whiny as little Ani was. There was a padawan standing in front of the doors who jumped when he saw him. “I will speak with your council,” the black figure hissed. “Th-they're in s-s-session right n-now, you'll have to make an ap-appointment -” The black man scoffed as he force-shoved the padawan to the wall. “They will speak to me now!” he spat as he swept his way into the council chambers. …show more content…
“I didn't realize Sidious could acquire another apprentice so soon unless he broke the rule of two.” “He did not break the rule of two,” The black man paused. “Well. He hasn't yet anyway.” “If you're a Sith, then why are you offering your help?” Skywalker accused. For the first time, the figure looked at the 'Hero With No Fear'. Instantly his heart plummeted. He had hoped he could prevent Skywalker's turn, but one look proved that he was already too wrapped up in Palpatine's lies. The tendrils of the dark side bound him too tightly. I was too late, he thought a little mournfully, though not surprisedly. Plan B will have to do, then. He laughed bitterly. “Oh, yes, the Sith are evil through and through! Why in the nine Corellian Underworlds would one offer his help to the Jedi of all people?” He proclaimed loudly. “After all, the Sith only serve themselves, don't they?” He surveyed the council, who were eyeing him warily. “Don't they?” “Anakin raises a good point,” Kenobi murmured softly. “Why are you offering your help?” “Oh, it's not for free, I assure you,” the man informed them. “I want you to do something for me in exchange.” “Oh? And what would that …show more content…
This he would enjoy. “I want you to bomb the Jellis Nassa Asteroid Medical Center.” The council erupted into pandemonium. “Unthinkable!” “Impossible!” “Not a chance!” “There are thousands of sick and injured on that asteroid!” It took Yoda's booming, “SILENCE!” to get them to quiet down. The man in black smirked under his hood. “Not bad, little gnome. Who knew that the ancient old troll would have such a good pair of lungs?” Yoda glared as the scandalized council whispered frantically among themselves at his blatant disrespect of the old Jedi
"But you planned the battle. I'm sure that my companions will agree with me that this fact invalidates you as commander of the army."
While on Coruscant, Qui-Gon informs the Jedi Council about Anakin, and hopes that he may be able to become a Jedi. The Council test Anakin, and after talking it over, they decide to not allow Anakin to become a Jedi due to a concern with the boy and that he is also too old. Meanwhile, Sheev Palpatine advises Queen Amidala to call for a Vote of No Confidence in Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, fearing corruption of the Senate.
“Are you looking for some type of Pyrrhic victory?” William asked. “Cause that’s what you’ll get.”
“I would whip a guy for making a tyrant sound too tyrannical. That’s as bad as those old plays in which King Herod ranted.”
Tim pointed at the tattoo. “He's a scout. They find new colonies for the Lawless to raid.”
eg: “Yet the taste of the age, demanding whatever was elaborate in compositions of this kind, did not fail to extend its influence over our stern progenitors, who had cast behind them so many fashions which it might seem harder to dispense with.”
“I have already won. When you are dead, your soldiers will quit fighting and drop their arms and they will pledge their allegiance to me. My army will grow with the addition of your troops whom you have so kindly provided. Parsis will fall next if it hasn’t already, then it’s game over. This continent will belong to me.”
“Well well well, what do we have here? Two Jedi for lowly old me, the fates couldn’t have been any kinder.” A sinister smiles forms on the attacks lips. “Killing you two will be just absolutely a pleasure. Please make it worth my while.” The attackers blade lets up a little and Zerdek manages to push them away, give them a little space between
“He then said to her, ‘Now, you d---d b----h, I’ll learn you how to disobey my orders!’
“You want to fight against me,” Apache said with a corrupt laugh, “Didn’t you already figure out before that you are just a complete dead-beat compared to me.”
Luke doesn’t remember when they had stopped walking, doesn’t know how long they’ve been at a standstill. However, he no longer cares for he’s currently struggling to the ignore the trumpets sounding off in his brain. It’s a repeating chant, reiterating courage he’s not had much luck in gathering times prior. There is an active insurrection against his nature, rebelling the desire to circumvent immediately. To shrink away isn’t the best option here. Bravery is what Luke needs; what he demands of himself just seconds after Han described him as 'cute'. Because he is not cute. He’s … something other than that. If anyone is cute, it’s Han. Thus, Luke balances on his tippy toes, teeters, since he’s five foot six seven and Han's height
Slowly, he walked. Dragging one foot forward, then the other, he trudged on. Where was he headed, one might ask. Alas, even he did not know himself. The answer was deep in the back of his mind, someplace he likely could not reach on his own will. Aside from this answer, was his very destination itself. He hardly knew what it was, and where… Those two questions had yet to be solved, and more arose. Answers were yet to be discovered. Deep inside his heart, the boy felt the knowledge of where walking in his current direction would take him. And he would be there soon, he thought. He focused his vision on the ground as he shuffled ahead. Leaves and pine needles were strewn across the floor below him, covering the tough brown dirt beneath.. There
"Perhaps you are in the right, but if I belabor my viewpoint concerning the wisdom of your laws, to wit, that they were destructive to men and self serving to your own ego, you would indubitably return with equitable conviction of why this is not so. Therefore, I yield. Let it be as you say"
Hispanic and Latino are two of the most common words to describe people from Latin America, and even though they share many similarities, they also have some
The pharmaceutical industry is a highly competitive business and its success depends on the sales and marketing of each particular drug. But more recently, there have been a rise in issues relating to the rapid growth of pharmaceutical use, spending for drugs and related concerns about drug prices, among many other issues relating to scandal with vaccinations. The pharmaceutical industry may have their issues, but there has been a lot of good to come from this industry when it comes to one’s health.