The Resurrection The boy’s eyes were half open, yet everything he saw was opaque: a shadow by his bed, and a drop of sunshine from the window. He just simply laid there, with no words, and even no emotions. Slowly, his eyelids lifted upwards, like a giant stone being lifted up by many strong men. His eyes were finally open, the eyes full of drowsiness and confusion. The boy’s name is Wallace, and he has been in a coma for 23 days. The shadow by his bed is a man from the town of Amarak called Campbell whom has been taken care of him for the last 23 days. “Oh, boy!” said Campbell, “Thank god you are finally awake.” Wallace was puzzled.He did not say anything back at once, but just after a rough few seconds, he suddenly started to ask , “Who am I?”, “Where am I?”...“Who am I?”, “Where am I?”....His face turned pale and his body was trembling as those repeated words came out of mouth over …show more content…
Campbell did answer, he took a deep sigh and walked out of the door, he couldn’t help, there is no way that he can find his memory back. The next morning, everyone in the town woke up glowingly and soberly. That day is what the Amarakans call the Sympathy Day. A day that they celebrate in order to convey their feelings of compassion towards all the citizens who are still suffering in Imperium, a giant empire led by an emperor called Draco, and protected by his soldiers, the Fanatics. Later in the morning, Wallace woke up, leaving behind all his questions from yesterday, Campbell took him to town, where for the first time Wallace has acted like a normal boy. He glanced around the town with the shimmering light in his eyes. “It’s the Sympathy Day.” said Campbell, pointing at the flag of freedom that is waving in the sky. Wallace said nothing back, he knew that Campbell was nice to him, but in Wallace’ s mind, everything around him seemed to be things that he didn’t belong to. He just couldn’t get rid of the fear the controlled him from the
Then some of people noticed a new guest, dress as a clothes of the Red Death. Everyone was freaking out because of him. When Prince Prospero saw this guy, he became angry and asked courtiers to seize him and unmask him. But no one have the courage to do it, including Prospero himself. The Red Death walked through the rooms, heading toward the black room. Prospero chased him with taking his dagger. Prospero reached the edge of the dark room, the Red Death suddenly turned to face him, and Prospero fell on the ground and dead. "Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revelers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony
“Some people say I was lucky to survive, other will say I deserved it for the choice I made. I’m here to say I was lucky, it’s never ok to say your life isn’t worth living even at your worst you can always look forward tomorrow will come and if you put your mind to it you’ll see that anything is possible.” – Stephen McGregor Professional Paralympian
Wallace begins by using a story about fish in order to hook his listeners, ending with one of the fish humorously asking “What the hell is water?”(1). He explains that the meaning of the story is that “the most obvious important
He is forced to sleep in a barracks surrounded by barbed wire, trapped and
I comfortably drive my car into the desolate street, Perusing the deserted buildings, Smashes windows and rusted For Sale signs. The car locked up like Fort Knox. I observe the street for trouble. Two young boys look at me from afar as if I'm an alien. Do I stand out that much same greasy hair, expensive clothes, a smart car I suppose I am out of my comfort zone? “Mister, you don’t belong here” his hand gripped his switch. “Pony.... Ponyboy Curtis” I stammer “I live here or at least I did, I'm here to see two-bit’ The Boys turn around “geez his old now” the boy's chirp. The boys stroll away in awe that they saw the great Ponyboy.
Back in the main level of the factory, Wolf and Fox find Hawk lying on the ground, pale and unresponsive, his bulletproof vest next to him and the edges of a red stain showing around a wad of gauze. A soldier that Fox assumes is N-Unit's medic kneels next to him, along with Snake and Coyote. The three medics are talking frantically among themselves. The rest of N-Unit hovers nervously nearby; the rest of H-Unit is nowhere to be seen. Dust particles dance through the beams of sunlight from the holes where windows used to be, giving the whole scene a strangely dreamy air.
Good. I touch the icon and drag it. Oh, it’s following my finger’s movement. Alright, let’s see… I drag it to the slot that indicates my right hand. Immediately, the bokutõ shows up on my hand with a quick white light.
Whoever that is, was it so obvious that she was torn? Dizzy wondered if it was just Fallen that might notice or if she were wearing some damned sign or something. Maybe it was a guess, or nothing at all, Dizzy had no idea but she didn't want to dwell on it. Not when she had something that actually made her happy right in front of her. "Well anyone after any part of you will have to go through me." she spoke with a real amount of censarity in her words before a shiver ran down her spine.
“The knocking ceased suddenly, although the echoes of it were still in the house. He heard the chair drawn back, and the door opened. A cold wind rushed up the staircase, and a loud long wail of disappointment and misery gave him courage to run down to her side, and then to the gate beyond. The street light flickering opposite shone on a quiet deserted road.”
He wakes up on the cold, clean surface of a table rock. A rough candelabra flickers at his side as he stirs. Next to it there's three cut roses. Red. A look around and he finds he's in a cave. At the end of one actually. The air is mossy, thick. He doesn't know why he's here or how. Worse, he doesn't know who he is or who he was. He remembers this is called amnesia.
“Anything that can help us find out who did this.” I said, examining the crime scene. I walked towards what used to be the glass case that held the crown, but was now a useless, shattered cube.
When he finally awakes, he's groggy. He rubs his eyes and runs his hand through
It was in the quiet nights that as the fair teen stared up at his ceiling with sleeping slipping from his grasp, that he questioned everything. Why he was still in the school? What he was going to do next? What could he do? He avoided the truth that his brother broke his promise, that he never coming back and nothing would change
Leaves glistened in the moonlight, as the wind howled in despair. I found myself alone, in the darkness, as I noticed a slim figure walking towards me. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, as the individual walking towards me appeared to be a stranger. As the silhouette came closer, I realized that it was my dear aunt. Her face beamed with excitement, and she grabbed me into a tight embrace. “I am moving on,” she informed me as the corners of her mouth pulled into a genuine smile. She then turned around and began to gracefully amble out of the hinterland, as her shadow disappeared within the ominous darkness. I became aware that I was merely in a dream that was only a product of my subconscious mind. I became lucid, as relief washed over
"Wake up, partners," the trail boss, James called. I sleepily looked up , shivered, and saw I was the only one not up. "Here," James said, giving me the horses' bridles and saddles. "Take these and get the horses ready. We have a long day today." I groaned in reply and set up the horses for the day's long drag. I was the horse wrangler and this was my everyday job but I still couldn't get use to the idea of waking up before the sun and working. We drove the cattle into open plains against the winter's cold wrath.