It seemed like an average day, when suddenly, Brooke’s mother and father said they wouldn't be home all day and they trusted that she takes care of Anthony and her dog Gunner while they’re away. They also said Anthony and she would get grounded from electronics for three days if they weren’t on our best behavior. However, because Brooke’s living with the world’s biggest troublemaker as a little brother, it’s a hard achievement to receive. While Brooke was cleaning the dishes, Anthony toke Gunner out to the back of our house. At first, she thought nothing of it, what could possibly go wrong? Ordinarily, it’s healthy for any dog to get some fresh air. Then, without warning, Brooke heard the gate creak open and heard Gunner scampered like a lightning …show more content…
Anthony, you know that Gunner is a vulnerable dog and gets lost easily. You never know what kind of creeps are in our neighborhood and they can steal him at any moment! I know you like to pull pranks on me all the time, but this is taking it too far. At least think before you do something as reckless as that!” After Brooke said that, she saw a fragment of guilt in Anthony’s eyes and he whimpered, “I’m sorry Brooke! I didn’t expect him to run like that. I just wanted to see if you would get scared of the gate opening.” Brooke then looked at him straight in the eyes and claimed, “Let’s not focus on that for now, let’s hurry and look for Gunner. Remember that we need to behave or else we’ll get grounded.” Next, she took Anthony’s shaken hands and scurried across the neighborhood. If being a babysitter wasn’t fun enough, she also had to be a part-time …show more content…
Russel. She had a lot of pets, especially dogs, so Brooke bet that she would know where Gunner ran off to. She also gave great advice to them when they needed it. Luckily, she was in front of her house watering her plants. Once she saw them, she lifted her head and greeted us. “Hello, Anthony and Brooke! What brings the both of you here today?” They both replied to what she said with their minds racing. “Do you know where Gunner went?” Mrs. Russel raised her eyebrows a bit, then with calmness, she explained, “No, I haven’t - have you looked at the park next door yet? Bundles of people like to bring their dogs over there. I wouldn’t have a doubt in my mind that he went over there for a bit.” Filled with even more terror, Anthony replied with, “Really?!” Brooke tried to keep her composure and said, “Thank you for telling us. We have to hurry, we’ll repay you for your helpfulness!” They then sprinted with all their might to the
“Yes I am dad.” Kevin screaming at the top of his lungs,” Mr.Cromwell needs to go!” While Howie and Kevin argued ,Cromwell was over there eating Kevin’s breakfast, waffles. It was too late, Howie and Kevin turned around ,the waffles were gone.Kevin and Howie went straight over to doggy daycare. Cromwell had stayed 1 hour knowing he wanted to leave.
Hello, this is Kelsey Maley reporting from a battlefield in France during spring of 1914. As you can most likely hear, the battle is booming behind us. The gunshots and cannon fires can be heard from miles away. From where I am standing one can also hear the cries and screams, and running horse hooves from the war below. Looking down we can see the khaki and grey uniforms either riding horses or hiding in trenches and with guns or swords. It is hard to concentrate on these men in uniforms because of the dirt and smoke covering the air around them. Walking up here is difficult because of the bumps in the ground. One may be able to feel the rumbling and shaking ground every time a cannon is fired. Each side is obeying the screams from their comandor
I can’t recall much of what it was like growing up in a tiny two bedroom apartment in Northern Mississippi but I do remember the first book I read and how it paved the way for my literature career. Leading up to my first read I was taught the alphabet at a preschool near my mom’s work. I had little to no trouble learning the alphabet when I was younger but reading was a brand new concept to me. At night, after we finished one of my mother’s delicious home cooked meals my parents and I would retreat to my room where they would read to me until I fell asleep. Sometimes they would ask what a word was in a book and I would answer correctly but a good part of the time I was wrong. This lead to an uncertainty in my reading that would come back
The sun was nowhere to be found the dark clouds combined with ash and smoke blotted out any form of light, destruction was everywhere. Wheat fields were ravaged by fires, and towns were reduced to rubble. The ground that was once dark brown soil was now churned into large masses of mud filled with the stench of death. In the mud trenches and foxholes were dug in which many men inhabited, not by choice but out of pure necessity.
Swords crashed against shields like a field of doors slamming shut in the wind. Arrows whistled through the air; a murder of tiny crows swarming above us vulnerable soldiers. The grunts of men impaled by hafts and sliced open by steel join the cacophony of a battle raging into dusk. Wet warmness would splash across me in response to the dying cries of my comrades as one after another of those we battle would push our shields apart and break the line. The ground was wet and sloppy, dried earth had been turned to slush by a rain that did not fall from the sky. The ground was rendered difficult to manoeuvre through, encumbered by the lifeless figures of soldiers now without the allegiance that lead them to a face in the dirt.
After abandoning the camp we stumbled across the country side and found a house. As we sit by the wall, we think about our fellow soldiers now in heaven. I look up to the sky to see shepherds delight or more like the resemblance of the blood of the abandoned. Why everyone was quiet, I don’t know. There probably just tired from the great determination. Many of us seeking an end but will be disappointed and become depressed. Trepidation of death has occurred in several of us.
You have successfully entered enemy territory. You and the other recon soldiers have crossed the distance of open plain, skirted the barbed wire, and are close to the enemy trenches. You all lie on your stomachs in the mud, rifles in hand. So far, the going is good. You don’t seem to have been spotted, and no shouts of alarm split the air.
only for an hour or two but 1 day a green light gas came threw
Hi Mom! Hope you're doing well. I'm sorry that I haven't been writing to you in a while, things have just been pretty hectic here. None of us have been getting any sleep around here because we are all stuck in these trenches and are always on guard. Every morning, we'd get up and look around. We always have to stay in the trenches unless our "leader" yelled "Over the top", which means the call to attack.
Jimin wakes up to the sound of explosions and fire. A thousand and some men meet their demise each day, and Jimin prays at night he’s not one of them. The war rages around him, and he gets off the make-shift bed to get changed into his gear to help out. He caps the patterned helmet and looks at himself in the mirror. His reflection stares back, sad and weary, a youth gone wrong. He smears camouflage onto his face, high on his cheekbones until there is nothing left of him but an empty vessel of war.
At some point, their ears had finally given in to the echoing shots and yells and had dulled to the point where they could barely hear anything at all. The students - cut, bruised and bloodied - lay upon the ground. Dead or hiding. Hoping for mercy, for that’s all they had left to hope for.
(G) This war is starting to really affect my men. (C) I understand George but, I cannot give you my men. (G) Yes General I know you can’t and I will not force you. I just ask that you think about it not for me, but for the people. (C) As you wish George, I will think about it but do not get your hopes up. (G) Thank you General and I will not. (C) Your welcome George. How is your wife doing? I haven’t spoken with her in a while. (G) Thank you for asking she is doing just fine I will let her know you asked. (C) So George, what is your next attack plan? (G) I am not fully sure there General, it is as if the British can read my mind. They are always alert on the attacks. I was planning a surprise attack but I am not so sure if I should go on with it now.
“That’s right,” Paige affirmed. “Who better to give him a chance than a couple of misfits?” She frowned and looked at the puppies, which were fast asleep. “I don’t care if Gilman kills us or everybody else in this town,” said Paige as she crossed her arms. “I’m sick of living in this place, dad. What would mom have said?”
I was incredibly excited for spring break; I could already see myself laying on the beach, jamming in the car with my friends and having fun. I was far from what I’ve really lived.
In this chapter, I learned a lot about the reproductive system and how it works. When it comes to the genes of a male and female, the difference is that the male has a X and Y chromosome, and the female has two X chromosomes. Therefore, males produce androgens and females produce estrogens, which is steroid hormones. When it comes to the androgens it main features is facial hair and estrogens main features is breast development. What causes a men or women to have sexual arousal is call testosterone. A person with high testosterone level will have a relationship with several partners. Additional to all this some women prefer men who can take care of his home, a great provider. As for some men they prefer young women,