Hi my named Juan.I am 11 year old. I go to 6th grade.I hate school but my mom tell me to go to school.he hate his teacher but one day the teacher don’t come back .they had a sub.that sub was evil he was prison for years.When it was time to go out because of the teacher said no.he called their parents had to pay a lot of money to get their kid back.they called the police officer they have to pay a lot of money to get the kid out of here or they die. You have 48 hours to get the money.The popo came in there.but the sub new how they're coming.The kid want to go to restroom so he take them to the restroom.When they were at the restroom the popo came in .They were look around but they dont find no cul.The popo leave.the sub came in the classroom
“Some people say I was lucky to survive, other will say I deserved it for the choice I made. I’m here to say I was lucky, it’s never ok to say your life isn’t worth living even at your worst you can always look forward tomorrow will come and if you put your mind to it you’ll see that anything is possible.” – Stephen McGregor Professional Paralympian
Sunshine was pouring out from in between the buildings, casting shadows all around Ponyboy and the gang as they walked to Pony’s school. They were taking their time walking down the streets and for the first time they all were really seeing what was all around them. Memories were surfacing in their minds showing them what it all meant to them. With every step they took on the sidewalk they remembered a different memory as if they were walking down memory lane. Ponyboy didn’t think it was possible for him to be walking down this street for the last time as a high school student, but he had gone through the years with great grades that earned him many scholarships.
I drove slowly down the winding small gravel driveway surrounded by tall trees and forest that led to St. Agnes Cane Hill Psychiatric Hospital. I had been sent a letter by the director Mr. Jonathan Hammond, in the letter the kindly informed me that my great aunt Carolynne had passed away and since I was her only living relative it was up to me to come collect her belongings or they would be thrown away.
Josh's brother Mike visited him the next day after the charges were set, and asked him if he truly did kill the man because he didn’t know what to believe. Josh exclaimed, “I swear Mike I did not pull the trigger! I’m being set up somehow. It wasn’t me who killed that man!” Then Mike responds, “I’m going to get you out of this disgusting prison.” One month passes, and Mike has been planning how to get his brother out of prison and prove that he is innocent. He has a friend that worked on designing the prison and Mike asked him to get an outline of it. Once he got the outline of the prison, he got it tattooed on his body. With this it will help him get his brother out of jail. He has been studying the prison and how it works for the last month,
This time the store owner had called the police. Roxy had shoplifted from his establishment before but I had always been able to fix it; most times by paying double the price. Peering through the faceted glass of my front door, I could see Mr. Pachenko pacing the brick-edged sidewalk, his face pale with anger. With his blood pressure, the bright red spots on his cheeks would be with him for the rest of the night.
“Chloe move it, you take up the space for both of our lockers.” Annie said pushing Chloe out of the way.
“Anything that can help us find out who did this.” I said, examining the crime scene. I walked towards what used to be the glass case that held the crown, but was now a useless, shattered cube.
Hansly soon followed her, but before he did he stare at Joshua with extreme disappointment. His dark brown eyes left Joshua stunned, as he never seen him so upset about anything. Joshua turned his face toward the window and starred at the atmosphere where he saw a gray clouds shrouding the blue and sunlit sky with a frigid air. As the bus stopped at Detroit Cristo Rey High School, Joshua then proceeded to go to his homeroom class where he would find his friends and try to apologize to them for his actions. As he enters the classroom he only found Rose, his father, and his teacher, Mr. Peter, conversing to each other.
Upper school English teacher Ms. L.C. says her favorite smell is that of a melting popsicle in the summer. “I love the sweet fructose of the popsicle juice,” said L.C. “Especially the way it combines with the smell of the wooden stick.”
I hate school, I mean everything is going wrong. Robbin has now got a boyfriend, his name is Jack and I personally think he is a jerk. He is one of those guys at high school that you would find surrounded by cheerleaders. Oh did I mention, he is the captain of the football team? what a jerk. Okay actually, Jack is a really nice guy, very popular as he is the captain of the football team, no wonder Robbin likes him. I mean look at me, I am the kid you would find in high school, oh wait I am the kid in highschool who you won't even notice. Right now as I am writing I can feel my veins popping out as my blood rushes through my face. Could this day get any worse?. Oh did I mention, Robbin is my best friend?. We have been best friends for a very
I look out the window above the sink as my mom replies. "Ok, sounds fine, bring a swimsuit, and that light purple sweater for night time, and hiking boots and old sneakers, and LOTS of socks, and-" I listen to her as I search out the window for nothing in particular, until I see a movement in the window of Camden's house on the first floor. I stare at it as my mom drones on, and Camden emerges from behind the curtain and waves creepily.
Nayesha get up for school you are gonna be late!, i’m getting up mother...Ugh i really hate Mondays. *Ring Ring* Hey Ceil?. Are you almost ready for school we got to get going since you gotta pick me up today said Ceil Hurry girl she said again . I'm on my way Ceil Don't worry we won't be late.(Nayesha get into her car) Beep beep beep beep Hey Ceil i'm pulling up right now come outside ,girl you better be actually outside Ceil said. Nayesha you won't believe who called me last night talking about i'm gonna be in town tomorrow we should hangout! Please tell me it wasn't Chris said Nayesha . It was him but what should i do since we had that falling out 3 months ago, Well Ceil i don't know but i mean i wouldn't take it further than friends
Think about your experiences of writing at college. Which types of assignments have you found helpful in strengthening your writing skills? Where do you want to improve your writing? What’s the most useful advice you’re received that’s helped you improve your writing. Be as specific as possible.
To test the bridge’s functionality, an animated truck traveled across what the student built. If the bridge was weak, the truck wobble or move slowly. In most circumstances, their design would crumble. The designer, or the student, had to set all their material at the right price without going higher than $200,000,000.
"Sometimes you gotta let something bad happen, or else you wont know how to fix things when they go wrong later."