
Creativeity and How the Skill Builders Assist This Process: Montessori

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Assignment One Book four: Write a essay on creativity.
Discuss aspects off:
Young children being in the process of creating themselves.
The making of objects of art and crafts, a.
How the Montessori “ skill builders” assist point 1 and 2 above.

Creativity is the making of anything and children are less interested in the product than they are interested in the process. They are learning without an outcome in mind and will construct meaning to any skill acquisition or concept as it requires them to do so. Inevitably with the right skill building activities a child's motor development will take form and become part of a conscious effort to create something new in the form of art .

The work is to acquire the initial building …show more content…

A teacher could either practice a art , hobby or craft or encourage visiting experts to share their pursuits with the children. Like any other area it needs to presented as a practical pursuit and have its bases and function in the real world context the children find themselves in.

Maria Montessori states she has not developed this arts program without analysing the difficulties and barriers involved. Her objective is to give the child the opportunity to prepare for the means of expression. 'Discovery of the Child”, page 281. She aspired to foster in the child the skills required for arts and crafts. This takes the form of the 'skill building' activities set on trays in the art corner. The child selects as with the other areas of work an activity and follows it in a prescribed way as demonstrated by the teacher. These activities are especially designed to develop muscular control such as the ones needed for efficient scissor and a pencil.

There are threading activities for needle craft, folding activities which can lead to the creation of concertina cards, fans or origami. Scissor and pasting activities help the child acquire the skills for collage and decoupage. Stamping and printing materials help the child to build concepts around the art of printmaking and understanding in area of Art appreciation for the works of famous printmakers, wallpapers and décor

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