
Creb Synthesis

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This scientific study was conducted by Peter E. Ekanem, Dare S. Sunday, and Kidanemariam Gaim. This is a study regarding Datura stramonium (DS), a tropical plant of the nightshade family that has hallucination properties and is used for recreational drug purposes. The research investigated the effects of the consumption of high doses of DS seeds on the expression of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) in the frontal cortices or rats. This experiment may reveal the role of CREB proteins on adduction and neurodegeneration. The hypothesis was that the prolonged and excessive use of DS seeds may affect the CREB protein’s transcription activity which would alter the levels of neurons in the rats’ frontal cortices. Thus, it is possible that the changes could lead to …show more content…

In turn, the change in the proteins’ transcription can affect the gene that regulates addiction and neurodegeneration. This connection between DS seeds and CREB proteins suggest that the consumption of the DS drug needs to be supervised by authorities because of the effects it can have on behavior and mental retardation. I found this particular study interesting because it described the significant impact one little alteration in a protein can make. It was fascinating to learn about how exactly drugs could cause the body to become addicted and mental function to change. The brain is a very intricate system in the human body and this experiment only deals with a small but essential portion. Every part of the brain has a crucial function and the frontal cortex happens to be associated with human behavior, addiction in this case. This study further proved how important but fragile and sensitive the brain is. The findings of this experiment can also be used to deter drug use so I believe the investigation was

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