
Credibilit Studer's Chapter Summary

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Studer recommends the following tactic be implemented visit key people and write thank you notes. Studer (2003, p. 241) recollects an encounter with an employee, when he asked a question at a forum regarding “Thank you notes.” She shared with him that she had been in health care for 10 years, but only in the past two years had she received a thank you note and she framed the note.
Through visiting employees in their departments and thank you notes, the leader builds what Studer terms the “emotional bank account,” this is important to note in the first phase. He continues by instructing leaders to “reward and recognize.” This is fulfilled by simply making certain that employees have the tools and data they need to complete their job efficiently. Simply take away the misconceptions that serve only to separate leadership from staff. Ensure that senior leadership is available and is viewed demonstrating the proper behaviors for the organizational culture.
Due to leadership visits with employees, …show more content…

116) refers the third as “The Uncomfortable Gap.” Decisions become tougher and the gaps between poor and average achievers become unacceptable. The need to create a system becomes obvious as inconsistencies are more noticeable. Average and outstanding achievers will take notice and remark on the changes of more visible leadership, better tools, better communication and so forth. Poor achievers will rest and wait for the next big thing. Important steps to include here are continuing to elevate and focus on training; this is done by moving high and average achievers to a higher level of performance, next focus on the poorer achievers this is achieved through education. Poor achievers who do not wish to move forward will hit a wall, unfortunately, will not advance and may sever employment. This eliminates the weight that retards and stunts the growth of the organization. It is imperative to choose wisely the best people for positions at this

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