
Credibility Pharmacists

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In this so-called Digital Age, with instant access to the internet at our fingertips, it is not unusual to see pharmacists use websites as a tool to do research on information that could help them further their field of interest. The website by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) is one of them. The objective of this website is to provide information for qualified pharmacists who are interested into becoming a Certified Specialty Pharmacist and help them to get certified. BPS is an effective website in terms of its visual elements and composition (formatting, audience, purpose, visual design, content), several rhetorical strategies were also employed to increase its effectiveness. The Board of Pharmacy Specialties website gears …show more content…

Next is the menu bar, different contents are being separated into specific categories, including “About BPS”, “Impact of BPS Certification”, “BPS Specialties”, “Contact”, giving the users the option to find their needed information in fewer clicks and less time consuming. The menu bar automatically becomes a drop down menu for easier access when the users are having the website opened on their mobile devices or just simply as a minimized page on their computer, which is really convenient. Below the menu section is a slide show of pictures with short texts come along with every picture. The slide show mainly provides pictures of events, achievements, and things specialties certified pharmacists get to do. This is effective because it immediately makes the users feel that they could be experiencing what these people are doing and most importantly, becoming a part of this great organization if they were to join. Following the slide show is a brief paragraph about the quality of the program and how it is the most qualified program to take on today’s patients’ expectations and needs. BPS employs minimal graphic use and multimedia, which assists in avoiding long loading times because not everyone has access to the fastest internet or the latest computer technology. Even though not too many pictures are provided, the context is not overwhelming to but a …show more content…

A variety of videos/interviews from experts as well as patients are provided. Connection wise, above the heading, on the very upper-right, BPS provides links to all of their social media from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, SoundCloud, to even Tumblr. This suggests that they are aware of today’s modern technology and know how to sufficiently communicate with the users in this “Internet Era”. Even though they don’t provide their email address, they do give out their office address and phone number. Also, under “contact”, BPS has this great feature where users can just fill in their information such as name and phone number, along with their reason for contact, then submit the form. This is very convenient because some people don’t have the time to go to directly to their office or some are just shy of talking through the phone. Overall, BPS is an easily navigable website, well laid out and user-friendly. They did a great job in delivering relevant and valuable information to the

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