As people get older, everyone tends to apply for credit. It is much simpler and easy to make larger purchases. Although, strict actions must be made, it is a full time responsibility and you must have the independence, organization and knowledge to receive credit. To use credit wisely, it is smart to first know what you are getting yourself into. Ask family members, friends, or financial institution any question you may have. Receive all the information you need before receiving your credit. Also, make sure that you are willing and financially able to pay back any money, plus interest and fees that may come from a credit card. Make sure that you will not be behind on paying bills, or be irresponsible with how you are managing your credit. A time I used credit wisely, was when I wanted to purchase a very expensive Michael Khors purse from their new collection. …show more content…
Since this was the situation I decided not to buy it, and bought it at a later date when I had a steady job. I also got the purse on sale! Although with smart money decision also comes a few mistakes. When I first received my credit, I was unaware of how it worked. Because of this I spent money that I did not have in my checking account. This caused them to take out money from my savings and essentially I caused an overdraft. Along with this overdraft I was charged an extra fee. All because I wanted to buy a Victoria Secret sweatshirt, I ended up costing myself around
Credit cards can ruin any financial situation if used improperly. Let’s look at what our two financial authorities think about them. Dave Ramsey is completely against the idea of using credit cards. Being a devout Christian, he often finds his ways of financial teaching through The Bible. Proverbs 22:7 states “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” You are charged a premium for using a credit card in the form of interest. While you can pay off credit before the interest is charged, Dave insists that many people do not pay if off in time. It is better to get rid of the enticement altogether than to play with the idea of using a
It is imperative that young adults comprehend the facets of obtaining and maintaining proper credit in order to sustain a sound credit history. For example, the most widely used credit score is Fair Isaac Corp.'s FICO score, which ranges from 300 to 850. A FICO score of 760 or higher reveals an individual’s respectable borrowing power, for even a recently reported late payment can have a substantial effect on a credit score (Holmes). In addition, young adults can learn the importance of securing proper credit and increase their attractiveness in lender’s eyes by aiming to use less than 20% of one’s available credit (“Get”). Since lenders pay close attention to the amount owed on credit cards relative to the limits provided, lenders are able
You can have lower insurances in bills, and you car is still like new. Your bank well trust you and that's how you earn credit.
Currently, I don’t have a credit card. All of my payments are made in cash of with my debit card. In the last lecture we learned that it is a good idea to get a credit card young so the credit can start building. Mr. Klassen says that he uses his card for the necessities that he has to buy anyway such as gas and groceries. I would like to implement that in my own spending habits once I get a credit card. I would keep my balances low by being responsible with how I use my card. In addition, I will start out with only one credit card. There is a lot of temptation to open up many cards with different companies, but with one card it is easier to keep track of your
Using credit is quicker and easier these days than spending cash or writing a check. To avoid the long lines we will use the internet to shop or make a quick call. The debt process can start with this months mortgage payment or a week of groceries put on the card. After making the credit card payment, including interest, the following months charges climb higher from the cost of other bills and lifestyle habits added to the card. Before realizing it the debt is out of hand and stress levels build to feeling helpless. If this sounds like you, Christian Credit Counseling can help relieve those anxieties.
In regard to saving money, I have found that one of the simplest deals by taking back control over the credit card companies. Faster than expected, credit card debt accumulates quickly. Each purchase on a credit card is not limited to the price on the sales tag, when the entire purchase price is unpaid on the subsequent bill. Be realistic with your purchases. When living on a cash budget, discuss how much “ money is ‘available’ ” for spending as well as how often that amount is withdrawn (Do You Know Where Your Money Is). Avoid signing up for another credit cards when contemplating how to handle expenses. While it may appear that paying off one credit card with another would make it more manageable, it is only compounding the problem. In order to determine spending allowance to pay off debt, I recommend to construct an excel document of the expenses for each month.
During the Financial Fitness module I learned more about my credit score and how to improve it. I also learned the different ways a credit score is made up of. A credit score is usually used to see how likely you are to pay back money that you owe. Usually banks use them to issue loans or credit card companies’ use it to decide if they want to give you a credit card and how much they want to set your limit to. It is important to build your credit score up because it will benefit you in the future when you need to borrow money or even get a job. Some jobs check your credit score before they hire you. Also if you don’t pay a bill your credit score will go down after 30 days past the due date. Some advice I learn was to get a credit card when
One may decide to pay cash for everything but, there are reasons to focus on obtaining and keeping a good credit score. The first step toward understanding how credit affects ones’ life is to check the credit standing. One can get two of their credit scores for free on This completely free tool will break down the credit score into sections and give a grade for each. For example, how is the payment history, debt and other factors affecting your score, and get recommendations for steps that can be taken to improve ones’ credit. It is possible to get a free annual credit report from each of the major credit reporting agencies Equifax, Experian and TransUnion once every 12 months. This does not give the credit scores but, it does
This significant piece of plastic is very dangerous to those who lack good decision making skills. For one thing, delving into credit card debt can cause enormous economic issues down the line if not handled respectively. Another important aspect when it comes to owning a credit card is maturity. In other words, am I going to be mature enough to handle the consequences that can arise from poor budgeting habits? Also, will I be in good financial shape when I do decide to own one is another vital aspect.
There were two gift cards of equal value side by side, one with a $2 activation fee, the other with a $5 activation fee. The choice was simple, I wrenched the cheaper option and went to check out, I handed over my cash and the clerk handed me my receipt, which I promptly threw in the garbage can.
When dealing with credit cards, it is important to understand the potential for serious financial problems should you make any poor judgement calls when using them. For more information on credit cards and how to avoid falling prey to debt issues surrounding them, you might consider scheduling a consultation with one of our professional debt counselors here at
According to Investopidia, a credit card is a card issued by a financial company giving the holder an option to borrow funds, usually at point of sale. A credit card allows people to borrow money to make big and small purchases. As long as the money borrowed is paid within the grace period of 25-30 days, the individual does not have to pay extra. If it is not paid back in that time period, the individual will have to pay interest which is more money on top of what has been borrowed. While some people argue that credit cards are a great way for teens to learn how to be responsible with their money, others think that this is a bad idea. Teens are known for being reckless and without oversight can get in a lot of trouble for not properly managing debt and learning what it is. A credit card for teens is detrimental.
I learned many advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards. Our class was taught that using credit cards had many advantages: rewards points for using credit cards, easy access to money in case of emergencies, you are able buy things online, credit cards are universal unlike many currencies, etc. However, our class also learned about the many disadvantages of using credit: there is a potential for debt, potential for fraud, potential for identity theft, and many more things. While covering the advantages and disadvantages of credit cards, I made the choice that in the future I will get a credit card but only use when
I'm working part time and every dollar I earn is going into my savings account towards my future. However, when I do go out and buy I use my credit card and I always pay the full balance due at the end of every month on time. This is helping me build a good credit history.
As far as credit cards are concerned three good reasons for obtaining one are; they aid you in establishing your credit score as well as history. Credit cards are also great if there is an emergency that requires immediate financial action and assistance. Lastly, credit cards offer many benefits such as cash back, rewards, and discounts. The negative effects of credit cards is that they often come with high fees and interest rates. One other negative drawback to obtaining a credit card is that individuals can get themselves into