
Credit Wisely Wrong

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As people get older, everyone tends to apply for credit. It is much simpler and easy to make larger purchases. Although, strict actions must be made, it is a full time responsibility and you must have the independence, organization and knowledge to receive credit. To use credit wisely, it is smart to first know what you are getting yourself into. Ask family members, friends, or financial institution any question you may have. Receive all the information you need before receiving your credit. Also, make sure that you are willing and financially able to pay back any money, plus interest and fees that may come from a credit card. Make sure that you will not be behind on paying bills, or be irresponsible with how you are managing your credit. A time I used credit wisely, was when I wanted to purchase a very expensive Michael Khors purse from their new collection. …show more content…

Since this was the situation I decided not to buy it, and bought it at a later date when I had a steady job. I also got the purse on sale! Although with smart money decision also comes a few mistakes. When I first received my credit, I was unaware of how it worked. Because of this I spent money that I did not have in my checking account. This caused them to take out money from my savings and essentially I caused an overdraft. Along with this overdraft I was charged an extra fee. All because I wanted to buy a Victoria Secret sweatshirt, I ended up costing myself around

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