
Creighton Brown In The Year Of The Hangman

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Everyone has their own definition of a hero. The majority agrees that a hero’s characteristics include voluntarily helping in any way possible and unconditionally showing generosity. Some might think a hero is someone who makes sacrifices for the people they love. A hero has a million different definitions, but not one describes the personality of Creighton Brown. He is dishonest, judgmental, and makes poor choices without thinking. Most people would concede these are not characteristics of a hero.
The historical-fiction novel The Year of the Hangman begins by presenting the reader with an event where the main character, Creighton Brown, is lying to his friends. While gambling, he is being dishonest about his money situation and saying “‘In any case, it's only money, isn't it? And my family has plenty of that.’ This was not quite true. In fact, their financial situation was shaky at best.” (9). Although it is a white lie about money, it can lead to further harmful ones dealing with more serious situations. For example, the false statement he gave the patriots about being a servant. Even if Creighton was forced by his uncle, at the end of the day it was his decision to make. He also led on with the lie until he got caught. …show more content…

He also harshly judged his father too quickly after learning the truth behind Harry Brown’s fate. Creighton was furious that the only person he had looked up to had also been a traitor. Creighton did not even bother to consider why his father took those actions. In addition, he hated authority with a passion. Creighton always wanted things to go his way. This is one of the major reasons that explain his absences from school. Having an aspiration and desiring something are two very different things. People like Creighton don't just get the title of superiority because they wish to but because they have worked for

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