Everyone has their own definition of a hero. The majority agrees that a hero’s characteristics include voluntarily helping in any way possible and unconditionally showing generosity. Some might think a hero is someone who makes sacrifices for the people they love. A hero has a million different definitions, but not one describes the personality of Creighton Brown. He is dishonest, judgmental, and makes poor choices without thinking. Most people would concede these are not characteristics of a hero.
The historical-fiction novel The Year of the Hangman begins by presenting the reader with an event where the main character, Creighton Brown, is lying to his friends. While gambling, he is being dishonest about his money situation and saying “‘In any case, it's only money, isn't it? And my family has plenty of that.’ This was not quite true. In fact, their financial situation was shaky at best.” (9). Although it is a white lie about money, it can lead to further harmful ones dealing with more serious situations. For example, the false statement he gave the patriots about being a servant. Even if Creighton was forced by his uncle, at the end of the day it was his decision to make. He also led on with the lie until he got caught.
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He also harshly judged his father too quickly after learning the truth behind Harry Brown’s fate. Creighton was furious that the only person he had looked up to had also been a traitor. Creighton did not even bother to consider why his father took those actions. In addition, he hated authority with a passion. Creighton always wanted things to go his way. This is one of the major reasons that explain his absences from school. Having an aspiration and desiring something are two very different things. People like Creighton don't just get the title of superiority because they wish to but because they have worked for
A hero is somebody who commits an act of remarkably bravery or who has shown an admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character. (Encarta, 2009) Joseph Campbell has come up with eight of his own characteristics of a hero. Joseph Campbell is known as a scholar of mythology. There are several people in our times that are considered a hero. Whether, these heroes are fictional or nonfiction, they all portray some kind of heroic abilities.
How would you determine if some one was a hero or not? What characteristics would
Although he was unsure at first whether to lie and take the easy road out for his family, he knew that in doing so he would ruin his children's reputations and be living with a name that was not his. A name that did not represent who he was or what he had done. This name would carry down to his children and damper their chance at a prosperous future. So instead he chose the road less traveled, to die for the man he was, an honest
What Characteristics do you think about when you describe a hero? Usually people think about selflessness, Bravery, and Confidence. A person doesn't have to have superpowers, super strength, or the ability to fly to be a hero. One Modern day hero is President Barack Obama the 44th President of America and also the first African American President. Like President Obama, Beowulf Leader of the Geat warriors he is headsmart and a strong leader. Although The two heros Live in two different time periods and only on is a warrior. Beowulf and President Obama are both Courageous.
What characteristics should a person have to be called hero? Andrew Carnegie was born into a poor family in 1835 in Scotland worked his way up the railroad industry, he eventually became the supervisor of the Pennsy's entire western division. He was earning about $1500. A kid that from that super poor family to the very rich person in just 30 years. By the time he was super rich he made a good decision by giving away all his money for the sake of good for the people and putting a lot of funds to different organizations. Although giving his money for the sake of good that does not mean that he is a hero.
A hero is a person noted for brave acts or goodness of character. A person who face the danger and combats the evil. Heroic leaders have the purpose of achieving the goal, regardless of the challenging difficulties. Often sacrificing their own personal concerns for a greater good Some qualities are passion, integrity, honesty, confidence, patience, selflessness, courageous, and humble. An example of a hero is John Proctor. He is a tormented man. He believes his affair with Abigail irreparably injured him in the eyes of God, his wife Elizabeth, and himself. True, Proctor did surrender to sin and commit adultery; however, he lacks the capacity to exonerate himself.
A hero, what is a hero? Close your eyes and imagine what a hero is. Is it a man or a woman? Are they tall or short? Do they have dark or light hair? Are they young or old? Now take this hero you have imagined and give him or her traits. What would they be? Is he or she courageous or adventurous? Are they physically strong or mentally strong, or both? A hero is defined in 3 ways; selflessness, humbleness, and bravery.
Throughout the history of epic literature, heroes have been an integral part of many different cultures. Some of these heroes are fierce and powerful, renowned for their skill in battle, while some others and clever and cunning, able to talk their way out of any difficult situation. These traits usually emphasize the values of the cultural from which the hero came, and depending on the culture,traits viewed as heroic may drastically differ. Although there exists a plethora of traits any one hero may have, there are three core characteristic that, in my opinion, a hero must have to be considered a hero: the courage to face hardships, the willingness to make major self-sacrifices for the benefit of others, and most importantly, the dedication to do what it takes to reach their goal.
He was compelled to make their wrong right and did so by taking the case to trial. He viewed this as a way to turn his life and career around by doing what was right, but he discovers quickly that Ed Concannon was always one step ahead and through many corrosive acts almost derails Frank’s case.
Heroic attributes can be found in the most unexpected places, and in the most normal people. From catastrophes to history to science fiction, heroes are present in all types of life. In order for someone to be a hero, they don't need a costume or a special name, they simply need attributes such as courage, selflessness, and
It was something he was not expecting and resulted in his growing resentment for the others. They had told him something of mendacity and added on to the other lies he had experienced his whole life. He was disgusted with
Heroes cannot be simply defined in a few words; being a hero is not being perfect, it is holding some specific, heroic qualities that people can look up to. Especially in the case of Chris McCandless, one must understand that he was a real person, a person that possessed certain negative aspects of human nature; he is not a figure in a fictional piece of work that can be sculpted to the idea of a hero. Using this definition of a hero, Chris McCandless does in fact, embody the idea of a hero as someone to be admired to a certain extent; he is a figure that has shown noble qualities and strength through adversity.
Every individual has a different perspective on what makes a person a hero, for it is not limited to a certain concept; determination, altruism and a hint of hardship and bravery can always birth a hero. Although many acts of heroism are seen and made everyday, the levels of these attributes vary. Abraham Lincoln and Harriet Tubman are both philanthropic, noble individuals that willingly spent their lives as abolitionists of slavery, and both are great examples of the highest levels of selflessness and heroism.
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself” (Campbell 1). When we think of heroes most of us think of movie stars or professional athletes, but it’s not always about your popularity or talent it can also be about how you help society. What I think make a great hero is someone who is able to overcome his or her obstacles in life, is highly motivated, and has plenty of bravery.
What does make a hero a hero? Is it there looks? Alternatively, maybe is it their personality? However, the question is what are those essential qualities that make one a hero? Different people require different heroes to look up to or try to emulate. However, whoever it may be, they all possess certain qualities. My hero is my mother, for the reason that she is selfless, compassion, and courage. That kind of selflessness can often be premeditated, since concentrating on others' needs often winds up helping one accomplish one’s own goals. However, a heroic leader does so without any anticipation of a return. The display and concern show the care one has for others. This can often apparent itself in strong but gentle actions planned to increase the lives of others. Courage and bravery come to mind first when we think of heroism. However, it is difficult to achieve anything truly heroic unless one is up against overwhelming chances. As Nelson Mandela put it, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." These minor acts of heroism rarely attract any notice. A true hero is always sympathetic, benevolent and shows a great deal of compassion and sympathy to those poorly or in agony. He or she keeps away judgements; that are oriented to the self and embraces an attitude that serves others.