In both pieces of music, The Firebird Suite, by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) and C-Jam Blues, by Duke Ellington, there are traces of dynamics and timbre, also known as tone color, throughout. Dynamics is defined as “degrees of loudness or softness in music,” and timbre is defined as “quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument or voice from another.” Both pieces have repeated melodies, but The Firebird Suite shows the use of more crescendos and decrescendo, while C-Jam Blues uses improvisation, which is “music created at the same time it is performed.” Each piece has things in common, and at the same time are two completely different compositions of music.
In Stravinsky’s The Firebird Suite, there is a varying use of crescendos and decrescendos.
The reason I decided to prepared my paper on Maurice White, the founder of Earth Wind and Fire is because of the fond memories that I have listening to my parents music. Music from the parents era is very different from the music of today. Music from that era was more love oriented, rhythmic and rich in science of music and musical arrangements. Artists my parents are fond of consists of music from such groups as the Four Tops, the Dells, the Dramatics, Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, the Chi-Lites and Stylistics. They also list Junior Walker and the All-stars, Al Jaureau, and Ronnie Laws, among others, as jazz groups. However, Earth Wind and Fire’s sound is unique and quite different from all other groups of that era.
f. The song starts forte with an immediate crescendo/ decrescendo, followed by an accent mark on beat 1 mm 5. Mm 9 begins another crescendo/ decrescendo again followed by another accent. The following page brings us all the way down to a Piano, followed by a crescendo/ decrescendo and then immediately after, another crescendo/ decrescendo. Bringing us to mm 25, we are nearing the end of the piece with a forte followed by 2 decrescendos in succession to each other. There is then a fermata which allows for dramatic effect. The post fermata measure then shows a fermata and the word broaden which slows down the piece and leads you to a second fermata holding out a note forteissimo and then going back into time and ending the
Music style was something that Clifford Brown is recognized for. He created a new style,
o compose music is to place each tone into a time of rhythmical relationship with every other tone. William Grant Still’s African American Symphony combines a symphony with blues and is a symphonic piece for full orchestra. This piece tells more of a story than you might think. His childhood is involved because he was taught at a young age about blues and he also was exposed to different musical types at a young age, which led to him creating this piece of music.
Pauline Oliveros composed a piece titled "Sound Patterns." Some of its traditional musical techniques that we are used to is the polyphonic texture and the A Capella voices. It also uses a form that we are quite familiar with Sonata form.Milton Babbitt composed a piece titled "Ensembles For Synthesizer." We here the manipulation of tones and pitches in what is called a 12-tone technique. I believe that an artists tends to create music such as the ones listed above to expand our mind set on our belief of the musical world and its aspects. It gives them the opportunity show us a whole new world of things like dynamics, rhythm, timbre, and much more. An open-minded listener could experience this as a whole new aspect to view the world of music.
The first movement of Symphony No. 7 is noted for its long ascending scales as well as its applied dominants relative to its C major and F major modulations. The Introduction begins with a short A chord from the full orchestra. After eight bars, the piece has briefly entered the key of F major already and is now accompanied by scales of two octaves which begin softly, similar to the way a person creeps up and down a staircase. These scales repeat, gradually becoming louder and more extravagant. The third theme
On the other hand, Blues were basically from work songs of African Americans slaves at the time. “It is a native American music, the product of the black man in this country, or, to put it more exactly the way I have come to think about it, blues could not exist if the African captives had not become American captives”(pp.17), said Jones and Baraka. In Jazz – A History, Frank Tirro wisely analyzes and explains the relationship between the unique background and
Rhythm and blues, also known today as “R & B”, has been one of the most influential genres of music within the African American Culture, and has evolved over many decades in style and sound. Emerging in the late 1940's rhythm and blues, sometimes called jump blues, became dominant black popular music during and after WWII. Rhythm and blues artists often sung about love, relationships, life troubles, and sometimes focused on segregation and race struggles. Rhythm and blues helped embody what was unique about black American culture and validate it as something distinctive and valuable.
Similarly, sound is called music, and it is composed in specific rhythms to convey or express specific emotions. Combining vocal or instrumental sounds for aesthetic beauty or emotional expression is the art form known as music. According to Hughes poem, "He played that sad, raggy tune like a musical fool, Sweet Blues! " (Hughes 13, 14) Hughes recounts the blues musician's performance in graphic detail.
The mood of these two pieces is remarkable in that color does not play as great
Nowadays the blues revolve around the meaning of sadness but doesn’t have a true message of fighting for survival or deprivation of freedom. In the process of searching for the modern day blues, it was discovered that the music is compiled by mostly Caucasian artist compared to the past where it was conceived by blacks to prompt their practices and beliefs.
Tone colour is distinctly secondary to other musical elements. Greater variety of tone colour and more rapid changes of colour.
2. The blues first emerged as a distinct type of music in the late-1800s. Spirituals, work songs, seculars, field hollers and arhoolies all had some form of influence on the blues. Early blues were a curious mixture of African cross-rhythms and vocal techniques, Anglo-American melodies and thematic material from fables and folktales, and tales of personal experience on
Compare and contrast two works from the same genre which were written at least a generation or half a century apart. Consider and explain similarities and differences with regard to musical style and historical context.
In addition to asymmetrical rhythms the use of polytonality is vibrant throughout the piece especially in the introduction which begins with different clarinets playing polytonal. Stravinsky structured The Rite very differently, melody was not the only dominant feature of the piece, other features such as the fore mentioned polytonality and asymmetrical rhythms were also at the dominant features of the piece. By breaking from many common practices of his own and of the time, Stravinsky created a piece slated in modernism's history.