
Crime Is A Social Construction Essay

Decent Essays

Crime is often described as socially constructed, which influences our understanding of who commits a crime. Firstly, labelling theorists argue that crime is a social construction based on the powerful’s reaction to certain behaviour, those who are deviant are people that have been labelled as such. Marxists claim the bourgeoise construct crime in order to criminalise the proletariat, get away with their own deviance and maintain their own dominance. Neo-marxists look at how moral panics create a social construction of crime and can criminalise certain groups. Finally, feminists, argue crime is constructed in a patriarchal way and that the criminal justice system is harsher to female offenders. Whereas others criticise these theories for …show more content…

Since most moral crusaders are part of the upper class, their crimes, such as corporate crime usually avoids being labelled, showing how crime is constructed in favour of those in power. For example, many supported prohibition as it lead to a more manageable labor force.
Through 50 interviews, Becker researched how marijuana users are labelled as deviant, even though their motive is simply pleasure. The labels others attach make the activity deviant, which leads to alienation and a deviant career. Whether it is labelled as deviant or not depends on each society, in the UK it is illegal, whereas in Spain it is not. Police brutality, also shows how crime is socially constructed and how people’s labels, even within the same society, can vary. For example, black people make around 4% of the UK population, but 12.70% of those who are tasered by the police. Police may label black youth as criminal, whereas movements like Black Lives Matter may label the police as criminal, and those who are targeted as innocent.
The labelling theory shows how crime is socially constructed based on labels created by the powerful, which is important for our understanding of who commits a crime as they show how the powerless can be labelled as deviant whilst powerful groups are not. This undermines the

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