Cultural Considerations Due to the diversity it is becoming more difficult for law enforcement to know how to handle or have a conversation with citizens of another culture. When dealing with immigrants law enforcement officers will experience difficulties with communicating with them. Multicultural is related to several cultures in society, and in many cultures in some societies educational theory encourages interest instead of mainstream culture. It is very important that law enforcement understand cultural diversity. It is questionable if Sir Robert Peel, developer of the nine principles which is said to organize police departments whether or not would work in present day police activities.
The culture concerns in society on the
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2.) A style of social and artistic expressions peculiar to a class or society. 3.) The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize a group or organization. Culture directly affects the justice system and its administration practices because in some areas in the United States for example you might have a large population of Blacks, Whites, Arabs, Latino or Hispanics, in a particular neighborhood and it is common knowledge that people are more comfortable with dealing with people of the same race and ethnicity. When you have suchlike areas more pressure is on the justice administration to make sure in those areas they are represented by that same race or ethnicity. A police department that is not represented by the majority, it becomes a major problem in that community due to the lack of knowledge the police have about a certain culture or cultures. Every person is raised in social and cultural environments that have a considerable impact on his or her individual identity, beliefs, values, and behavior. Because individuals are entwined in culture during their life, it is important to expand awareness and understanding of how cultural issues impact systems and operations of justice and security. Police officers and police
Volpp defines “cultural defense” as a legal strategy that defendants use in attempts to exercise criminal behavior. The problem with cultural defense is that it takes a single person’s behavior and applies it to a whole culture. One person does not define a community and can make an entire culture look bad. Volpp also believes that the cultural defense tactic should not be formalized among lawyers and the court as it is not accurate for explaining an individual’s reasoning for their actions. She also goes on to state the conception of cultural defense gives the immigrant defendant culture that the U.S. law does not, building an anthropologic relationship between the
The people of a minority group who are at a greater risk of being subjected to the criminal justice system are the African Americans and Hispanics. It is not surprising these two groups are more prone, yet throughout the remainder of this paper, certain concepts/themes will be further analyzed from a chosen film to portray the reality minorities face with and in the criminal justice system and society.
Conflict theory is based on certain powerful groups use the criminal justice system to maintain their dominate position and repress groups of social movements such as BLM or BTLM that threaten their position (Walker, Spohn, and Delone, 2012). Conflict theory explains the overrepresentation of racial and ethnic minorities in the criminal justice system, such as the criminal law pays more attention to certain behaviors that are seen in the poor, as well as criminal law tries to control the poor due to them being a threat to the social order (Walker, Spohn, and Delone, 2012). This is what is seen done to the African American community which cause the Black Live Matter movement to be developed to ensure the equality is being maintained within the community. When looking further into culture conflict theory it is based on the fact that crime will be seen more likely in heterogeneous societies where there is a lack of consensus over society’s values (Walker, Spohn, and Delone, 2012). When looking at society’s it is seen that the majority will not only focus on social norms but also controls making and the administration of the criminal law system (Walker, Spohn, and Delone, 2012).
A number of problems arise from race and ethnicity issues in policing practices. From the department’s perspective, issues with race and ethnicity, create negative consequences. For example, if a police department fails properly to resolve situational conflicts, this can cause loss of productivity, tension among officers of different race and backgrounds, enhanced suspicion of other officers, and increased isolation of staff member. The department will suffer tremendously if it fails
With the increase of diversity in the country, comes a wide variety of issues facing all sectors. In the criminal justice sector we see issues such as racial profiling, discrimination amongst others.
By this, he employed his first principle that the “basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder.” In this, Sir Robert Peel instituted a force that served as uniformed police called “Bobbies” or “Beats.” This form of policing is well-known today and has had a significant impact on American policing. Law enforcement agencies still practice the use of “Bobbies” and “Beats” but now refer to this method as police patrolling with the goal of preventing crime, getting to know the community, and establishing the trust and safety of the public (Siegel, 4th Ed). This brought about the next two principles, established by Peel, which stated (2) “the ability of the police to perform their duties was dependent upon the public approval of police actions. (3) Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observation of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public.” This laid a serious impact on American policing and its history; society today, as in the past, dealt with the importance of diversity and the need for police to comprehend the different cultures, races, and religions that scattered the communities in which they patrolled. Police were expected to participate a multicultural training and education that prepared them for these situations. Peel believed that if the police could understand
Multicultural understanding is critical, as currently members of racial and ethnic minorities account for more than one in three Americans, and projections indicate that members of minorities will constitute a majority of the nation’s population by 2050. One of the most significant problems facing the police during the past three decades has been the tension, and often upright hostility, between the police and minority group citizens. Over the last few decades, minority representation has increased significantly in U.S. police departments. However, African America, Hispanic American, and other minorities are still seriously underrepresented in U.S. police departments.
This paper is going to discuss different culture concerns, and what the influences are in today’s society within the criminal justice system. Also, this paper will talk about how to attend to different culture concerns, security administration, and how influences affect the criminal justice system. Some of the other points that are going to be touched up on are contemporary methods that are used in societies of assorted cultures, how these different influences and considerations related to and affect nondiscrimination practices within the criminal justice system. Last but not least, this paper is going to go over Sir Roberts Peel’s nine
Multiculturalism is as we discussed in class, “a range of cultures trying to live as one.” We today live in a very diverse, multicultural world that for the most part if very accepting. Multiculturalism does not necessarily just apply to race. The LGBTQ community, age groups and class is also be considered a culture that contributes to our society. Being that we are a very diverse bunch, our law enforcement officers should also represent that. Multiculturalism impacts the relationship with our law enforcement agencies because if there the agency itself is multicultural we can expect them to better understand us as the general public. When on call it could drastically change the direction in which it goes. If we have a law enforcement agency
This paper provides an overview of the problems facing the police in their efforts to improve relations with minority communities in the United States, as well as a survey of previous research and existing literature on cultural diversity
Cultural competency is a goal that all organizations should strive for, particularly organizations that are set up with the purpose of serving the community. The American criminal justice system has long struggled with issues of cultural competency, between questions on what actions to take with mentally ill individuals to severe language barriers that causes gross misunderstandings. Due to recent events and media attention possibly the most salient group that faces cultural competency issues with the criminal justice system is the African American community. When it comes to cultural competency issues that face the African American community, possibly the most logical place to start is with racial profiling. Racial profiling is when one,
CTPED or Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design is defined as “The prevention strategy which outlines how the physical environments can be designed in order to lessen the opportunity for crime.” (Queensland Police Department.) CPTED not only is defined by this definition, but it focuses on four more characteristics that help to make this design work effectively, and smoothly. These four characteristics are: maximizing the risk that offenders face, maximizing the effort required by offenders to commit crimes, minimizing the benefits that offenders can gain from committing crimes, and finally minimizing the excuses for opportunities toward offenders. COP is defined as “Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues, such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.” (Community Policing Defined." Community Policing Dispatch). CPTED and COP are methods that promote strong communities to deter crime, and provide the community with alternatives to stop crime from ever happening in the first place. As well as these definitions, the strategies of COP, and CPTED, these strategies are based off of the broken windows theory. The broken windows theory is the theory that states once criminals see an area that is under-patrolled, they will commit more crimes
The focus of this paper will be based upon different crime prevention strategies implemented by members of the communities, local and government authorities.
There have been major incidents in our generation that have caused the need for diversity reform in law enforcement. The biggest incident was the attacks on the United States of America that occurred on September 11th, 2001. The attacks that
The ecological theory of crime, also known as social disorganisation of crime is a theory used to describe the difference in crime in association with physical environmental factors such as cultural and structural factors. In the 1970’s and 1980’s the term ‘environmental criminology’ was used until it became associated with environmental issues. This theory can also be defined as a positivist theory because it seeks to find out about human behaviour. For the ecological theory the causes of crime for example are found in the way of the physical environment, where people live and socially interact. This is what creates the conditions for criminal and non-criminal behaviour.