
Crimes Act 2000

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January 30th changes were made to the crimes act (2000) to help stop one punch violence in Sydney’s CBD after a senseless act of violence took the life of a Sydney teen. The changes that were made, gives a harsher jail sentence if a life is taken, and if the attacker if intoxicated at the time there is a minimum sentence of eight years, this is only the second time in recent history a minimum sentence has been put in place. More transport out of the CBD was also put into place after the amendment was passed, to give a safe option home after a night out. Places that sell alcohol have also been effected by having to stop people from purchasing alcohol after a certain time. 7th July 2012, Kieran Loveridge stumbles drunk around kings cross. He …show more content…

These amendments happened in 2014 and meant that Kieran Loveridge just missed out on harder sentences for taking the life of Thomas Kelly, and there was utter outrage at the sentence that Kieran received which was six years for the manslaughter of Thomas Kelly and when added in with the assaults of the other victims of that night his sentence came to a total of 7 years and two months. With the harder sentences for those who take the life or injure with one punch will help deter people when they have full control over their thoughts and actions, but with most of the violence happening when the perpetrator is intoxicated they may not have the full mental capacity to realize the severity of the actions they are about to use or that with a single punch they could severely injure or even kill the victim. When intoxicated, people have an inhibited sense of right and wrong. Under the governments Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and intoxication) Act 2014, people with a blood-alcohol concentration level that register at the level of .15 will be presumed intoxicated. The blood-alcohol level .05 is the benchmark level used to measure low range drink driving offences, police will also be able to take a more flexible view on whether someone is intoxicated based on verbal and physical cues. One punch laws have been set in place in both the Northern territory and Western Australia after very similar cases to the one of Thomas Kelly with all three being widely publicized and followed intensely on all platforms of

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