
Criminal Behavior: A Case Study Of Tasheena Brown

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On February 5, 2012 at approximately 12:00 pm. I detective Tasheena Brown was requested to respond to assist processing the scene of an arson and possible homicide involving a father and his two sons. That was later identified as Josh Powell and sons 7 year old Charlie and 5 year old Braden. Upon arriving to the scene, I interviewed the child services worker. She explained to me that upon their arrival the boys ran ahead with her falling behind. She then stated that Powell let the boys into the house and lock the door. While reporting the doings of Mr. Powell and that she smelled gas coming from the house first to the police then to her supervisor, moments later she saw the house erupting into flames. On Monday February 6, 2012, Charlie and Braden grandparents reported that when the time comes for the boy’s weekly visit with their father they didn’t want …show more content…

Goodbye.” To others including his cousins and pastors, he sent longer emails with instruction on where to find his money and how to shut of his utilities. Upon inspecting the crime scene the assistant chief Steve Richards with Graham fire and rescue team stated, that the burning of the house went through four different stages. The first stage that occurred was the incipient stage, which is the earliest stage of fire. The duration may be anywhere from a second to hours, depending on the ignition source. The second stage was emergent smoldering, which is when the combustion activity increases. The third stage that Steve Richard named was the free burning, this is when the rate and intensity of the fire increases. Heat in this case double every eighteen degree Fahrenheit temperature rise. In this stage the fire builds from the point of origin and spreads to upper areas of a structure. Flashover may occur if all combusting items in an area reach ignition

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