On February 5, 2012 at approximately 12:00 pm. I detective Tasheena Brown was requested to respond to assist processing the scene of an arson and possible homicide involving a father and his two sons. That was later identified as Josh Powell and sons 7 year old Charlie and 5 year old Braden. Upon arriving to the scene, I interviewed the child services worker. She explained to me that upon their arrival the boys ran ahead with her falling behind. She then stated that Powell let the boys into the house and lock the door. While reporting the doings of Mr. Powell and that she smelled gas coming from the house first to the police then to her supervisor, moments later she saw the house erupting into flames. On Monday February 6, 2012, Charlie and Braden grandparents reported that when the time comes for the boy’s weekly visit with their father they didn’t want …show more content…
Goodbye.” To others including his cousins and pastors, he sent longer emails with instruction on where to find his money and how to shut of his utilities. Upon inspecting the crime scene the assistant chief Steve Richards with Graham fire and rescue team stated, that the burning of the house went through four different stages. The first stage that occurred was the incipient stage, which is the earliest stage of fire. The duration may be anywhere from a second to hours, depending on the ignition source. The second stage was emergent smoldering, which is when the combustion activity increases. The third stage that Steve Richard named was the free burning, this is when the rate and intensity of the fire increases. Heat in this case double every eighteen degree Fahrenheit temperature rise. In this stage the fire builds from the point of origin and spreads to upper areas of a structure. Flashover may occur if all combusting items in an area reach ignition
The county fire marshal Alan Carson, saw the fire around 1.30 am and he defined the fire was a big one. Added that the weather and
When investigators searched the home they found a gas can near one of the bodies. Next investigators needed to figure out what all Joshua Powell did the days leading up to this event. Another thing they need to figure out is where he bought the gasoline he used to set the house on
Chad Brown and his wife, Brandy Brown, and maternal step-grandmother, Carolyn Patterson, while responsible for the children’s welfare, did or allowed the following: Chase Brown, minor, left the family home, stole a bicycle. Chase Brown was apprehended by Union County Sheriff’s Office, officers Elizabeth and Jeff Wright for a report of a stolen bicycle. Once at the Union County Sheriff Office, Chase Brown reported that he and his two siblings, Timothy Brown (16) and adult sibling, Ashley Brown (18), were being locked up in room by their father, Chad Brown and Step-mother, Ashley Brown. Union Department of Social Services, assessment caseworker, Dana Lyles was asked to come to the Union County Sheriff’s Office to speak with the Chase Brown. Chase revealed to caseworker Dana Lyles that he and his siblings, Timothy Brown (16) and adult sibling, Ashley Brown (18) were being kept locked in a room by the following persons; Father, Chad Brown, Step-Mother, Brandy Brown, Maternal Step-grandmother, Carolyn Patterson and other minor step-siblings.
As I, Klaudia Hoxha (forensic technician), approached the crime scene at 4 o'clock pm at the residence of Josh Powell. As i approached the scene i noticed 4 reporting officers, and the fire fighters who put the fire out, were present at this two story single family dwelling. I approached the reporting officers and fire fighters and took copies of there reports. I then immendently, sent in my team to take pictures and any kind of evidence they can find. From the looks this residential seemed occupied. A fire expands horizontally and vertically from it's point of origin, which in this case is the center of the house. According to a report, i noticed a witness who was a member/ social worker from Powell's meeting groups ,gave a statement that
Based on tips from witnesses, officers located the suspect, Derrick Bernard Cunningham, hiding in a nearby field with his 12-year-old daughter. Cunningham was taken into custody without incident. A search warrant was executed on Cunningham’s residence, which is in the same complex as the incident. During the search, officers recovered weapons, clothing, and items
Toms patterns of his criminal behavior began when his family moving to a lower class area in Edmonton, they were poor family and his mom was unemployment because she was physically unable to work, his brother left the house when they moved to Edmonton because he did not like it, Toms father currently in jail and Tom did not see him since he was two years old, at the age of 15 Tom joined his brother to sale drugs and make easy money, at the age of 16 Tom was arrested by Edmonton police for selling drugs and theft, Tom dropped out of high school when he was 17, he didn’t not fit, he was bad and his mom could no longer control him, he went to live with his brother, who is selling drugs, ad knowing as drug house, by the age of 18 Tom had already
This is the story of Piper Kerman, and how her personal story from being in prison relates to that of other female offenders. Kerman came from a well educated family, who were mostly doctors, lawyers, or teachers.“Much to the skepticism of my father and grandfather,” she writes, Kerman had majored in theater (Kerman, p. 4), and graduated from Smith College in New England. After college, her classmates and friends were going off to their graduate school programs or new jobs. Kerman, however, decided to stay in Massachusetts. She felt unmotivated pursuing a career in theater, and did not have an interest in truly continuing on with her education. Furthermore, she also felt that she did not have a “meaningful career” (Kerman, p. 4). Kerman
The fire spread from the O’Learys’ barn to the yards nearby. Soon it was spreading throughout the neighborhood. William Lee, a neighbor a block away, saw the fire and ran to Bruno Goll’s drugstore to turn in the fire alarm. Bruno Goll refused to turn in the alarm because he said the fire truck had already gone past. So instead of arguing, Lee went home to his family. At the courthouse the lookout on duty saw smoke, but thought nothing of it, thinking it was just Saturday's fire and there was no reason to be alarmed. Then he looked up and noticed it was a different fire and had his assistant strike the Box 342 for the fire department. Soon fire trucks were at the scene and attempted to put out the fire. The fire department’s Chief Marshal, Robert A. Williams got the engines to circle the fire to contain it. They got as close to the fire as they could until their arm hair was being burned and their
According to statistics provided by the Department of Justice, in 2014 African-American males aged 15-34 - 3 percent of the population - committed 33 percent of violent crimes in America. African-American people as a whole, despite only being 13 percent of the population committed just under 55 percent of violent crimes in America for 2014. Alarming statistics have come out about the violent nature of African-America people in America and around the world since the 1950’s. Crime happens everywhere and its perpetrators are worldwide. When it comes to crime there are basically 3 arguments as to why it happens and how it happens. This first one says that crime is necessary evil. The argument says that crime “strengthens group cohesion” it makes
In the chapter 6 PowerPoint, it describes that “people see how they are labeled and accept the label as being true, and people behavior the way that they think someone with their label should behave” (15). For example, in the film, it describe how people think about the drug dealers which they have suicidal spirits, doesn’t care whether they get killed or to kill someone and they not hesitate in using violence or killing that person ever you’re a child. Drug dealers become criminals when labeled as such and they accept the label as their personal identify. Drug dealer has negative social label that change the social identity which it is call stigma in sociology. Another example was people think rich people using cocaine, and poor people using pot.
One of my favorite shows on T.V is “Criminal Minds,” show stories of the existence of the FBI’S Behavioral Analysis Units and how expert profilers work with the FBI to search and capture rapists, serial killers that terrorize society. However, after watching a number of episodes, one can’t help but question or wonders if what they watching are real. In the real world, every day in the United State law enforcement officers is called to respond to horrify murder scenes. What is the mission of the Behavior Analysis Units? “The mission of the Behavioral Analysis Units (BAU) is to provide operational support for difficult and time-sensitive cases and other matters through the application of investigative case experience, education, specialized
Opposite sits a beautiful blonde girl, early 20’s with green eyes. She is dressed smartly in a pencil skirt, pink conservative blouse and high heels. A tape recorder and pad reside next to her as she holds a pen whilst others are scattered close by. Yvette is a journalist. Jackson is smitten with her, although he has a wife. It’s her smart lawyer appearance that tantalises his senses when he’s around her. They met at court when she was covering his trial. He was in the RAF only 18 months before and it’s taken him till now, being in prison for 12 months to agree to be interviewed. Yvette forced her way with flirtatious letters and eventually he gave in letting her have a ‘Visiting Order’. This is their first meeting.
In the Late 1980’s, the father of sociology, W.E.B. Dubois conducted a study in Philadelphia that developed possible explanations for criminal activity among African Americans. Throughout his study, he observed that if men are moved from different environments, they began to lose harmony with the environment that results in crime (Shaun L. Gabbidon,2015). Dubois used variables such as age, unemployment, and poverty to explain crime (1899). Furthermore, Dubois study became a template to be used in studies that come to follow. During the 1900’s, cities such as Chicago began to experience some of the same challenges that were previously studied in Philadelphia (Gabbidon,2015). As a result, of the similar experience between the two
Female Criminality consists of several outdated statistics regarding the rise of female offending. However, in viewing the current research on the subject, it appears that the overall theme of this dissertation's discussion is still relevant despite changes in the accompanying statistics as seen in viewing the following topics: the rise in female offending; the continual rise that females are committing more crimes than men; and the types of crimes that women are committing. In viewing Bruce Gross's 2009 article, "Battle of the Sexes: The Nature of Female Delinquency," as well as Elizabeth Cauffman's 2008 article, "Understanding the Female Offender," one can begin to see where current statistics regarding the female criminal lie.
Most of the theories of crime was developed to explain male crimes by male criminologists. For decades, women offending challenges traditional theoretical explanations of crime, which were developed to explain male offenders. There were a few debates that indicate the concern of whether the theories were being used equally to explain both female and male crime. Criminologists came to a conclusion that the traditional theories are male-specific theories. For that particular reason, they argue that those theories are not suitable to explain female crimes. However, both the social process and traditional structure theories explain a gender neutrality in crime. They also give a better understanding for both male and female crime.