
Criminal Justice Leadership

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Given the state of the leadership roles and research conducted in both the police and correctional organizations, the authors recommend that the issues be addressed by future researchers. They were able to come up with a few solutions researchers could probably use. First there needs to be additional research on how criminal justice administrators actually lead their organizations (Stojkovic, Kalinich, Klofas 2015 p.211). Second, the contemporary models of leadership offered by organizational behavior theory need to be examined. The Contingency approaches should also be examined in relation to criminal justice organizations, along with refinement of instruments, which is able to test these theories in the criminal justice environment (Stojkovic, Kalinich, Klofas 2015 p.211). Third, there needs to be use of methodologies to look at the intricacies associated with the leadership process, in order to fully understand the leadership phenomenon in criminal justice (Stojkovic, Kalinich, Klofas 2015 p.211). Lastly, the focus of the expectations from our …show more content…

There were over 350 participants, who partake in the institute (Stojkovic, Kalinich, Klofas 2015 p.213). The institute was able to recognize specific elements that were essential for effective leadership for any criminal justice administrator. Through various exercises and studies, the participants indicated that effective criminal justice leaders must possess the following attributes: Traits indicative of a proactive approach to leadership, awareness of the importance of building professional relationships with employees, ability to balance the needs of employees with concern for production, ability to incorporate a sense of “vision” within the organization ad serve as a transformer of culture when necessary, and recognition that an array of contingent strategies is required for effective leadership (Stojkovic, Kalinich, Klofas 2015

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