
Criminal Justice System Essay

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The article regarding criminal justice is extremely unnerving. While it is no secret that African American males are continuously harassed and recently killed for little to no reason, the maps and graphs paint a horrifying picture. The systemic incarceration of black males is undoubtedly collusion in an attempt to control black men, whether they are involved in crime or not. It is disheartening that race is constantly the basis for certain laws, policies, and inequalities. The numerous inequalities which exist between blacks and whites, only adds to the problems this country currently faces. I do not condone crime, however the punishment should fit the crime and all races should be treated equal within the criminal justice system. Adolescent …show more content…

Naturally, race and class play a role in the methodology, as well. Although lower class people account for most street crime, the number of people who commit multiple infractions is relatively low. I agree that the "code of the streets," is accurate, due to the types of crime which are committed by low-income adolescent black males. The cycle of crime will continue as long as law makers and law enforcement promote disparities within the criminal justice system. Although retaliation by African Americans is a direct result of centuries long blatant discrimination and prejudice, it is necessary to imply the correct approach. Crime and violence is not the answer and will only further add to the overcrowded prison …show more content…

The rights of criminals behind bars, are often times greater when compared to those of the victim. For example, a rapist can gain access to his victim and further victimize her with hardly any consequences. Some changes which can be implemented include, extensive psychological testing of all law enforcement officials, mandatory sensitivity training and evaluations, imposed fines for improprieties involving bias of any kind, which will result in dismissal if the unwanted behavior persists. These changes are made to have an immediate and direct impact to show that such behavior will not be

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