The article regarding criminal justice is extremely unnerving. While it is no secret that African American males are continuously harassed and recently killed for little to no reason, the maps and graphs paint a horrifying picture. The systemic incarceration of black males is undoubtedly collusion in an attempt to control black men, whether they are involved in crime or not. It is disheartening that race is constantly the basis for certain laws, policies, and inequalities. The numerous inequalities which exist between blacks and whites, only adds to the problems this country currently faces. I do not condone crime, however the punishment should fit the crime and all races should be treated equal within the criminal justice system. Adolescent …show more content…
Naturally, race and class play a role in the methodology, as well. Although lower class people account for most street crime, the number of people who commit multiple infractions is relatively low. I agree that the "code of the streets," is accurate, due to the types of crime which are committed by low-income adolescent black males. The cycle of crime will continue as long as law makers and law enforcement promote disparities within the criminal justice system. Although retaliation by African Americans is a direct result of centuries long blatant discrimination and prejudice, it is necessary to imply the correct approach. Crime and violence is not the answer and will only further add to the overcrowded prison …show more content…
The rights of criminals behind bars, are often times greater when compared to those of the victim. For example, a rapist can gain access to his victim and further victimize her with hardly any consequences. Some changes which can be implemented include, extensive psychological testing of all law enforcement officials, mandatory sensitivity training and evaluations, imposed fines for improprieties involving bias of any kind, which will result in dismissal if the unwanted behavior persists. These changes are made to have an immediate and direct impact to show that such behavior will not be
The criminal justice system is composed of three parts – Police, Courts and Corrections – and all three work together to protect an individual’s rights and the rights of society to live without fear of being a victim of crime. According to, crime is defined as “an act that is forbidden or omission of a duty that is commanded by public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law.” When all the three parts work together, it makes the criminal justice system function like a well tuned machine.
There are three significant issues concerning law enforcement, namely enacting the law, police discretion, and assessment of criminal behavior. Different entities create and enact laws that are specific for the societies those laws represent.
A large reason for the writing of this book is that there is currently not much research concerning or call for a criminal justice reform. According to Alexander, the main goal of the book is to “stimulate a much-needed conversation about the role of the criminal justice system in creating and perpetuating racial hierarchy in the United States” (2012:16). Another premise for this research is that it is no longer socially correct to use race to discriminate against people, so Alexander argues that society as a whole is now
While both sides of this deeply entrenched controversy substantiate meaningful claims, neither of their arguments is exhaustive, although Walker, Spohn, and DeLone’s case is much more convincing. African American arrest statistics are best understood as the convergence of both a somewhat higher incidence of crime as well as racial discrimination in the criminal justice system. Although higher incidence of crime may initially appear to justify higher arrest rates, there is significant evidence demonstrating that not only is African American crime exaggerated by a racially discriminatory criminal justice system (one of the products of which is disparate arrest rates), the greater crime rates in and of themselves are a result of economic inequality.
Police officers are our first line of defense in protecting society from the effects of crime. The construction of the criminal the justice system composes of various agencies with explicit procedures to control and diminish crimes along with, implementing penalties on those in violation of the laws. The criminal justice system prior to the American Revolution was not as complex and intricate as it is today, which focused primarily on punishment and retribution rather than deterrence. Traditional policing continues to be the norm, in spite of this, law enforcement agencies have adopted additional effective strategies and approaches, relating to curtailing criminal acts before there committed.
The problems surrounding the criminal justice system range from a variety of issues in different areas of the system. But i believe they are all connected back to a societal problem, that has to do with a outdated philosophical notion “redemptive violence”. I will break down each aspect, which i find most troubling. I will cover problems between policing and peacekeeping, corrections options, and the issue of redemptive violence which is a major issue in the philosophy of the criminal justice system. These issues represent problems that have always been key topics when discussing problems of ethics in criminal justice. Policing and Peacekeeping are roles that have long been debated in usefulness to stopping crime. Corrections comes with the reality of incarceration having little chance of success but more likely a higher rate of recidivism. I well also touch on briefly the issues of attorney discretion. While the issue of redemptive violence ties them all in, As i well show this philosophy is the “root of all evil” in the issues facing the criminal justice system.
“The United States imprisons a larger percentage of its black population than South Africa did at the height of apartheid. In Washington, D.C., our nation’s capitol, it is estimated that three out of four young black men (and nearly all those in the poorest neighborhoods) can expect to serve time in prison” (Alexander, 2012). The numbers tell the story better than words can: black people are more likely to go to prison than any other race in the United States, shown by the fact that more than 60% of the prison population is composed of people of color (The Sentencing Project, 2016). These statistics can be traced back to several different cause, including the Era of Jim Crow and the War on Drugs, both of which led to higher policing in minority areas.
Before proposing a reform to the American criminal justice system, we must first examine the problems that plague the process of justice on all levels. American society plays an important role in shaping the criminal justice system. Their beliefs and values determine the type of deviants and the consequences of the crimes. Often their beliefs contradict each other.
The Criminal Justice System in the United States of America was established with noble intentions. The basis of the system can be traced back from the first book of the Bible Genesis, and the story of Cain and Able. The criminal justice system was established to be morally suitable for a growing diverse society. Moral dilemmas within the system arise from concerns related to principles of officials’ right and wrong behavior. These principles are often embedded into a culture of the human character, in other words, viewed as essential to the criminal justice system. This biblical story mentioned above has defined the way justice has been administered for thousands of years. The quote "Eye for an eye" continues to be the standard
With so many different cultural and historical perspectives, it can change the way the criminal justice system works. Two types of criminal justice systems in which bring a lot of historical and cultural perspective include Iraq and Italy. Both countries also have legal tradition in which help in the way the criminal justice system works. In addition, both politics and legal issues can also cause the criminal justice system to change. However, the answer to the question relies on how this all does play in to the criminal justice systems for both Iraq and Italy.
Prisons where essentially build to accommodate a number of prisoners but over the years it has reach over capacity. Today in the United States there are approximately 193,468 federal inmates that consisting of the Bureau of Prisons Custody, private managed facilities and other facilities. The inmates ages range from 18- 65 with the median age being in their late 30’s. This number is counting both male and female population with male being 93.3% of inmates and females being 6.7%. The number of inmates has steadily increase since 1980 with only having approximately less than 50,000 but today the number has gone more up. Drug offenses are the highest number for inmate’s imprisonment, the next highest offense would be weapons, explosives and arson; immigration and miscellaneous fall next in lines. The number for the other offenses such as robbery, extortion, fraud, bribery, burglary, larceny, property offenses and other offenses are lower. Overcrowding prison has become problematic as the prison population continue to increase leading to proper care and attention for prisoners.
Imprisonment for criminals can lead to “…many prison systems have committed to harsh polices and procedures designed primarily to maintain order and control and little else”(Haney).
In order to keep a safe society, it is important to establish a nation with
Components of the criminal justice system include the police, the court system and correctional agencies. The definition, the function and examples of each component of the American criminal justice system will be described. The criminal procedure and the processing of offenders will also be described in details.
or she did not nee to record it. If the Government do succeed in the