For discussion one I am going to conduct the topic of youth violence to explain the topic of criminological research. Youth violence refers to harmful behaviors that can start at an early age and continue into youth adulthood. It has been said in many researchers that youths who grow up in a violent environment are more likely to commit violent actions. The youth can be either the victim, the offender, or a witness to the violence.
Descriptive research are the studies conducted in youth crime and violence. Some of the questions researchers ask are “How many people are victims in youth violence?” “What are the most common crimes committed by youth offenders?” and “How many of the different youth are arrested and incarcerated each year for
The cases of Lionel Tate, and brothers Derek and Alex King bring into focus the problems that society has in addressing how to handle criminal cases involving deadly violence by under-age juveniles. Lionel Tate, a 12 year old in Florida was convicted of killing a 6-year-old playmate while Alex and Derek King, 12 and 13 years old respectively, were convicted of killing their father. Interestingly, Lionel Tate, who happens to be black, was sentenced to life in prison while the King boys, who are white, both received minimal terms.
A sudden increase of youth violence in public schools in early 1990 has caused many to raise concerns about violent behaviors in schools. In the past, the most common form of violence that took place in schools was bullying, physical fights, or
For this week’s research assignment, the class was asked to review one of two articles. I chose Gottfredson and Soule’s article “The timing of property crime, violent crime, and substance use among juveniles (2005). The authors wanted to further examine if there was a correlation in delinquent time through various hours throughout the day. More specifically, they wanted to narrow down the crimes into specific groups, which were: property crimes, violent crimes and substance use among the juvenile population. In examining this article, we will focus on the research design that was utilized, data-gathering strategy, sampling method, dependent/independent variables, and the findings of the study that was embarked upon.
In this paper you will learn the process of research. Anyone can research but in order to research correctly, one must know the language and process. As always when researching the reason one is researching to find new information. This is when one will familiarize their self with new research terminology as well as knowledge. When one describes the research process it should contain; the new terminology found, how the terminology and knowledge apply to the research, explain how not knowing the proper terminology can affect the research and as well as why knowing the correct terminology helps. When researching one must
DiIulio also described these young people as “fatherless, Godless, and jobless” and as “radically impulsive, brutally remorseless youngsters, including ever more teenage boys, who murder, assault, rob, burglarize, deal deadly drugs, join gun-toting gangs, and create serious disorders” (DiLulio, 1995, p. 23).
Throughout time, society has seen its fair share of crime from miniscule crimes to the most serious types of offenses like murder and rape. Violence can come from all shape and sizes from women, men, children, mentally ill, etc. An increasing problem in recent decades include juvenile violence. Juveniles can commit violence for an infinite amount of reasons like parental abuse, being bullied in school or peers, mental illness, and other outside factors. Juvenile are in a period in their lives where countless aspects can influence the way they think, act, and even speak. Criminological theories have been created and tested to factor why juveniles partake in crime and why do they tend to be influenced to continuously break the law. Theories
Youth gang violence has turned into an unmistakable issue in the public eye reaching across national boundaries as well as socio-economic, cultural, racial, and class distinctions. Not only is the problem widely dispersed geographically, but its incidence is also extensive, making it a common, acknowledged, and a mainstream behavior for many teens. Gang activity is extremely common in lower income neighborhoods and ethnic ghettos where underprivileged children are regularly recruited. Youth gang violence has always been an issue in the United States since the 1950’s but many crime analysts tended to overlook the problem of youth gang violence in major cities due to historical events such as the Korean War, U.S. Supreme Court ruled segregation was illegal in the Brown v. Board of Education decision, and the Civil Rights Movement. The first nationwide study undertaken of the nature and extent of gang violence was reported by Walter B. Miller. Miller whose study concentrated primarily on the increase of gang violence and four major motives such as respect, guarding local communities, control, and gain the of monetary goods.
By constructing theories or representations we can increase our understanding of criminal conduct. Through improving our understanding we can create effective, and operational strategies to handle crime issues. We must have a sufficient amount of accurate and documented research, and or experiments to prove the validity of our research. Research is attaining the information and data needed to generate a theory. We gather research by creating specific controlled experiments to reach a conclusion that will satisfy, or otherwise attest our theories.
Is youth violence a problem in the U.S.? Most people don’t pay attention to youth violence rates, but when a surveillance camera in Seattle records a teen girl aggressively kicking another girl in the head on a subway platform while security is sitting nearby doing nothing, while being broadcasted to the internet; people may start paying attention to this issue. This problem has been around for years, but more recently, Obama has been addressing this issue. He has most recently put $24 million in budget for community based crime prevention programs. Another part of this problem is the harsh sentences that these juveniles are given.
Manifest Destiny is a term used to depict the purpose for the US venture into the West. Manifest Destiny is a term begat by John L. Sullivan in 1845 when discussing the extension of Texas. He accepted, alongside different expansionists, that it's inescapable that the US populace would spread crosswise over North America on the grounds that the land is given by Providence to the United States and that it's common that the land ought to be a piece of the nation.
Nothing should be done with the young children of violence-prone criminals because they had no say so in being conceived. If research could prove that the tendency to commit crime is inherited, then the criminal parent(s) should be required to take some sort of birth control. It would be an invasion of privacy to monitor the children’s behavior at any early age. Besides, Siegel (2016) states, ”Why would these killers, most of whom at one time had attended college, gone out on date, and had friendships…People who knew them claimed they seemed to have gone through a significant personality change just before the murders took place” (p. 127). This quote provides evidence that not all criminals begin at a young age, so why keep an eye on them when
Teen violence is a term used to define collective behaviors by teenagers that are not acceptable by the society. These behaviors range from slapping, bullying, hitting, assault and even armed robbery. Teen violence has been affecting many societies and has destructive history to communities. Although many factors have been pointed out to cause teen violence, studies show that modeling behaviors are the most common causes of teen violence in the society. These include behaviors as seen in the movies, on the streets, on the video games and at home. Social engineering factors and psychology behind teen violence are some of the main challenges contributing to teen violence. Video games, in particular, have caused the prevalence
Ever since the terrible tragedy at Columbine High School, there has been a numerous list of recent school shootings in America. Youth violence is a major issue in today’s society. Many people dread what causes adolescents to be so violent, committing horrible crimes.
When thinking about Criminal Justice it’s obvious that research is involved in solving crime. But it goes much further than that. Research is actually conducted in Criminal Justice itself. Research is done in Criminal Justice for a number of reasons. Research can be conducted in Criminal Justice for three main reasons; social problems, policy and academics. Then a number of other additional reasons are exploration, description, explanation, application, predictive and finally intervening. Within why research is conducted is another important aspect of Criminal Justice is Methodology; which is how the research is being conducted. Each of these topics will further be explained in depth.
This personal case study will be giving a brief summary on the key aspects of research that I believe will have the greatest influence on my future career as a Law Enforcement Officer, wishing to study the minds of juveniles and how to reduce the recidivism rate before they become an adult. The key components that I learned about research which I will be discussing are, formulating a research question, generating hypothesis, and threats to internal validity.