
Critical Analysis: Critical Thinking And Reflection

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2.1.1 Critical thinking and reflection Critical thinking is an attempt to ask and answer questions systematically, to produce a coherent and credible story or argument. In critical thinking, evidences and good reasons should be seek first prior to believing something to be true. A model to generate critical thinking is suggested below. Figure 1 Model to Generate Critical Thinking (Courtesy of: University of Plymouth) Critical thinking can support the reflection process, while the reflection itself is the continuously observing at and discerning about our experiences, actions, feelings, and responses, and afterwards analyzing them so that ones can learn from them (Boud et al., 1994; Atkins and Murphy, 1994). According to Schon (1991), reflection can occurs after the activity has been done when one is thinking about what he/she did, judging how successful he/she was, and whether any changes to his/her action could have resulted in different outcomes. Through …show more content…

Finally this is the time to deal with colleagues or others which have interrupted me earlier. I will call or come to them to discuss their requests and concerns, some of them usually have been addressed in the email which I have read earlier. During the discussion I always bring my notebook to write down the necessary information. Subsequently, I will come back to my team and rearrange the tasks and priorities if necessary. By this time some new emails will have been received and tasks and priorities can again be rearranged as appropriate. 4. At the end of the day, I will recheck if most of the tasks have been conducted or completed as expected. Some pending and unfinished tasks usually will be given to the night shift or rearranged to be continued in the next day. Those routines above are greatly supporting me to achieve my Key Performance Indicator (KPI). I rarely miss my target / deadline, in fact our department is one of the best performing department in the company. 2.3.2 Reflection during my

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