
Critical Analysis Of A Midsummer Night's Dream

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In his critical analysis of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare, G. K. Chesterton introduces the idea that A Midsummer Night’s Dream is not only the greatest piece of literature produced by Shakespeare, but also the greatest psychological analysis. On the surface, A Midsummer Night’s Dream seems to be an argument against the idea of eternal love and the societal standard of marriage; but under the surface, Shakespeare talks about the workings of human emotion, and the powerful connection that brings people together. Michael Taylor adds to this idea in his critical analysis, “The Darker Purpose of A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, in which he discusses that feelings of love require feelings of hate, in order to be expressed in their truest form. In a play that contains such a prominent motif of magic and wonder, it is obvious that mystic will play an important role in the overall theme. Often, the fairy world interacts with the human world, and influences the direction of the plot. There are many important characters and relationships expressed throughout the play; however, the role of the love flower is the most important. Even though it is an inanimate object and does not further the story through dialogue with characters, the love flower’s nectar acts as “a spirit that unites mankind… that seventh man who is the harmony of all of them” (G.K. Chesterton). Whenever the nectar is used on the eyelids of the characters, they find themselves further entangled in a web

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