
Critical Incidents In Toronto

Decent Essays

In a culturally diverse city like Toronto, residents encounter intercultural experiences almost every day. However, not all of those experiences are pleasant because of cultural differences, and some leads to serious unintentional offense. Coming to Canada from the Philippines and residing in Toronto has allowed me to come across various cultures that I have not encountered before. Although each day was exciting, it is inevitable that I might offend other people unintentionally because of the lack of knowledge of their culture. In this essay, I will develop an analysis in terms of values, culture shock and communication of a critical incident that happened recently, how it is both a success and a failure, and ways of improving the situation and …show more content…

Firstly, before going to a new restaurant, try to research the restaurant’s cultural background, so you will not unintentionally offend them for your actions. Then, be sensitive to critical incidents to avoid insulting other people, and behave yourself accordingly when you are in public places. Finally, communication is still key, even if English is your second language as it is best to communicate and ask if you have accidentally offended them. As I made these recommendations, it also improved my intercultural competence because communicating appropriately means you are willing to understand. It will also lead you to learn something and so you don’t offend someone again in the future.
In conclusion, the critical cultural incident that happened in Koreatown allowed me to learn and be flexible with other people’s cultures, and to appreciate that the culture I grew up with could be similar to other cultures. Because of the incident, I know that I will behave myself accordingly, and I will also conduct research my in future intercultural

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