In the process of writing, regardless of the form it takes, thesis or narrative for example, the purpose of the piece has several lenses that shape how the reader perceives the material. Of the less important lenses that shape the piece, mood, word choice, and rhetoric are only a few. These elements of the work, while minimal in a relative sense, accomplish the same as other, more important components, they influence how the reader perceives the material, how it is understood. If one is to effectively convey the message of the piece, one must first look at how the any reader perceives any text. This idea of how the reader perceives is a culmination of all the devices employed by the author. The idea is for the author to craft an aggregate …show more content…
This idea of crafting a mask in literature is an old concept, though rarely discussed directly as it can even be seen in Corinthians where, as discussed by Stephan Joubert, Paul acts as, “…an encoded author…”, that can be typified also as, “…the ‘ideal portrait’ which the real author entertains to his flesh-and-blood readers” (Joubert). This concept of an author for an author is another concept that must be taken into account when the mask is discussed. Where Killingsworth suggests that the author crafts, “…the mask of the author…”, he also crafts, “…a mask for the audience…” (Killingsworth 34-35), Joubert argues that the mask of the reader is simply a result of the authors own mask as, “…a potential reader is expected to play in order to actualize the text…” (Joubert) reacting only to the text and crafting their own mask. While the reader also has a mask in Joubert’s theory, it is a reaction to the text, rather than them slipping into one of the authors design, the author only being able to influence their mask from an external and past, perspective. I implore both students and faculty to focus on these points throughout a work, as they will show the reader the perspective that the author is crafting. Weather to use this mask is up to the reader’s discretion, though from an analytical view, being bias only harms the process. Regardless, it remains important that the student not only identify but act upon these
To read like a writer means knowing in advanced type of writing will be assigned. This is beneficial, Bunn argues, because when reading like a writer, knowing the style assigned, allows one to look for specific techniques in writing that they could adopt in their own work. To understand how piece was written, or to look back on his architect analogy, it is important to ask questions, assessing what “construction” techniques were effective in building a text. Before reading, one should ask himself who the audience is and the author's purpose in writing. While reading the texts itself, Bunn recommends looking at the style of language used and the effectiveness of evidence as well as the parts that don’t work or are confusing. While reading like a writer and asking these questions, Bunn encourages students to look for whether aspects are appropriate and effective as well as the positive or negative effect they have on readers. Bunn, in recognizing that every word choice made in a text has a certain effect, encourages readers to look critically at that effect in order to decide what strategies work should be adopted in their own
Critical Lens Essay - Annotated Bibliography Curren, Erik D. "Should their eyes have been watching God?: Hurston's use of religious experience and gothic horror. " African American Review. Vol. 29.
Looking Through the Psychoanalytical Lens The definition of a psycho is a person who is mentally unstable, crazy, and sometimes aggressive. The main character, Roderick, in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher” and the house itself are perfect elements of the short story to look at through the psychoanalytic lens. Through a psychoanalytic lens, the audience explores the ideas of the human psyche, mysterious things, and trauma within the story. This lens also allows the reader to do a deep dive into the character's mental health, and how this relates to the author.
just in time for that slow smile spreading across his face to be immortalised forever.
Where we are, and what we believe affect the way we view society. Social lenses are the preconceptions we make about the world around us. It is what makes people come across the same situation have different perspectives and understandings it. They are caused by gender, sex, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, and all in all experiences. As life goes on, a perspective over a situation can change because of the experiences faced in life. Social lenses have affected my perspective on the education system, the “Black Lives Matter” movement, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.
“The truth is never simple. It’s only in the Western world that you think knowledge is something you can acquire quickly and easily. It takes time. The truth never hurries.”
As writers, we must understand that the stance and genre of our writing correlates to the audience of the writing. Believe it or not, the audience can surely impact the stance and genre of which will ultimately influence how the writer computes their writing. It is quite common that a writer will distribute their stance in nearly all writings. The easiest to identify and differ stances are those that are indifferent and those that glorifies passionate stances. On the other hand, the genre in our writing is in direct relationship with the audience of the writing. How we purpose our message to certain audience is greatly influenced on who that actual audience is.
Although octogenarian Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of Swedish-based IKEA, is one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, he nonetheless lives quite frugally. Kamprad avoids wearing suits, flies economy class, takes the subway to work, drives a ten-year-old Volvo and frequents inexpensive restaurants. “It has long been rumored in Sweden that when his self-discipline fails and he drinks an overpriced Coke out of a hotel minibar, he will go to a grocery store to buy a replacement.”
John Schmidt is an employee who injured his hand doing the movement of a piece of wood through a table saw while in the production shop. John claims that the company is to bless because the machine was not safe for use. His manager, foreman and the Safety Department are all involved in the investigation. A Critical Analysis in process to determine who was at fault and what measures could have prevented issue occurrence and the precautions which can be implemented to prevent a reoccurrence.
In Gansberg’s essay, he captures his audience by telling the story in third person rather than coming out with his own opinion. The way he writes this piece makes you go through multiple emotions: anger, disappointment, frustration, fear, etc. In my opinion, a writer uses techniques, such as tone, to portray how they feel on a topic.
When Best Buy first opened it was an event that an electronics store could hold such a variety of products, have knowledgeable employees, and offer competitive prices at the same time. Although in 2012 it was reported that revenues for Best Buy increased, the company still fell victim to the problems of having a decrease in net income and operating cash flow. “The company reported revenues of (U.S. Dollars) USD 50,705.00 million during the fiscal year ended March 2012, an increase of 1.93% over 2011. The operating profit of the company was USD 1,085.00 million during the fiscal year 2012, a decrease of 54.30% from 2011. The net loss of the company was
For a reader or audience to truly understand the message behind a piece of work, one must understand the theme. Theme is
Writers can use rhetorical appeals and various styles of writing in order to make the Also reader feel a certain way. In the article As Greenland Melts, Where’s the Water Going? By Henry Fountain. The use of logos, comparisons, and a descriptive writing style relates to the mood. The mood introduced is sympathy; meaning that the article makes one feel sorry for the ice melting in Greenland.
The critical theory arose from the Frankfurt School, the collective works of German theorists. Critical theory’s roots are centered on the works of The Institute for Social Research and those researchers who promoted Karl Marx theory of idealism. Intellectuals at the school developed kritisch Therorie, the critical theory of society, which was created to directly interpret Marxism. These theorists wanted to revise Marx’s theory that capitalism and the concept that the best way to change the structure of society and politics was a revolution.
Writers of works of literature have long employed various stylistic devices to execute their literary objectives. Some of these stylistic devices include – but are not limited to – the use of settings, theme, and characters. Furthermore, such works can be analyzed, understood and interpreted through the lens of theories such as Feminism, Post-colonialism, and Existentialism. The use of various stylistic devices in service of the exploration of various literary theories serves to make literature vibrant, richer, and much more useful to the society in which the work is produced. Through the use of the mentioned stylistic devices, writers are able to demonstrate links that exist between their works of literature and theories such as Feminism, Post-colonialism, and Existentialism.