The purpose of this reflective journal is to critically reflect on the business planning decision-making process that eventuated in the lead up to market day. This reflection will evaluate how collaboratively Waffle Madness worked as a team outlining how we managed criticism, conflict and confrontation within the group. I will analyse our weaknesses and how we surpassed/resolved these and additionally explain the role I took in the carrying out and planning/preparation of team activities.
I believe that my group collaboratively worked together, being in a group of diligent, reliable business partners, who value and respect each other. Due to our assigned roles and responsibilities, we all worked towards unified and clear goals and objectives and ensured that each member contributed an equal amount of work. We had excellent face to face communication as well through email, Skype, text messaging and the collaboration space on OneNote. In the group, I felt very supportive and I felt like everyone was very comfortable to express their own ideas and opinions as our group atmosphere was very relaxed and dependable. Hence, we were not reluctant to mention when we didn’t agree with the ideas or provide and receive constructive criticism. Additionally, our brainstorming and decision making process
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To overcome my pessimistic weakness I could focus more on the positive possibilities and less on the challenges and difficulties ahead. In addition, my business partner Lily is very optimistic so she can always help to perceive the positive side of things. In the future, I should also use less negative words. To be more creative and ingenious, I should get a fresh perspective by viewing things from different angles and also experiment more. Moreover, I should be less reluctant to attempt to create new ideas and share them; I should think outside the box
Throughout the readings communication was identified as a vital component for establishing and maintaining relationships. Porter-O Grady sanctioned for leaders to establish firm rules of engagement to help support a positive group dynamic (2013). While Kelly & Tazbir explained that friction and conflict were a normal part of group development and were representative of the Storming stage of group process (2014). Moreover, they explained that with assistance from the team leader the team can overcome these obstacles, strengthen inter-professional relationships, and enter into the Norming stage (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). Here the team is able to participate in the effective exchange of communication and begin making progress toward goals. This represents progression into the Performing stage of group process (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). When the team has met its intended target they are ready to anylze the outcomes of their work and enter the final stage of group process—Adjourning (Kelly & Tazbir,
This sometimes leads to conflicts and collaboration problems. Tuckman and Belbin’s theories helped me identify potential strengths and weaknesses within the group, overcome conflict between group members and understand and appreciate every members’ contribution in the group. Tuckman and Belbin advocated in their theories that several problems or obstacles can ruin the successful completion of a task. However, in the group task, we encountered several problems in the aspect of making contacts within group members, differences in ideas, and opinions of group members on the case study, group members not working collaboratively with other group members as well as the delivery tasks given to each members timely. However, as a group, we were able to overcome these obstacles by using diplomacy in certain areas of the group discussion, identifying each other’s potential strengths and weaknesses so that the group task can be completed successfully. In areas where a group member fails in a given task, other group members were there to provide knowledge and skills to cover up its
The rational decision-making model describes a series of steps that decision makers should consider if their goal is to maximize the quality of their outcome. In other words, if you want to make sure that you make the best choice, going through the formal steps of the rational decision-making model may make sense. The following are the steps taken to come to a rational decision: 1. Identify the problem, 2. Establish decision criteria, 3. Weigh decision criteria, 4. Generate alternatives, 5. Evaluate the alternative, 6. Choose the best alternative, 7. Implement the decision, 8. Evaluate the decision.
Many times, time and perseverance is the key to the best result possible. But like Gary Collins said “We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision. Therefore, decision making is in us relentlessly whether we want it or not.
Collaboration dramatically affects tiered accomplishments. A powerful group can enable an association to accomplish mind-boggling results. A group that isn't working can cause pointless interruption, dissolved conveyance, and key disappointment. These days it is relatively difficult to abstain from being an individual from the group. In case you're not on an official group at work, odds are you work inside some in one way. So it's imperative for your own and professional advancement to know your teamworking qualities and shortcomings.
The two units that I felt I could connect the most to were the mental health and the factors affecting wellbeing unit. I think I was able to connect the most to these units because some of the things that are talked about in the units applied to my life. In mental health and factors affecting wellbeing, we discussed the different factors that can affect our mental health. One example that we talked about was stress, and this is one reason why I was able to relate to the unit. I often have felt stressed therefore, I know the effects it has on our mental health. Another thing that we talked about was how our mental health is affected every day by little things, and, I agree with this statement because I too have experienced
Group communication follows slightly different ‘rules’ to communication in one-to-one situations. There is often more going on in a group, with a number of different people trying to speak, get their point across and their voice heard. Turn-taking can be more complicated; relationships and power issues between group members can also be more complex than in one-to-one contexts. As a communication context, groups can have a number of benefits for participants: • a group can be an effective way of sharing responsibilities • groups can improve decision-making and problem-solving because they draw on the knowledge and skills of a number of
On our next meeting, I realised that some of the group members were unable to turn up for one reason or the other. Even though some of us were able to gather information, there were still much expected from us as a group. There were misunderstanding among us in that we put blame on each other. This made me realise that partnership working cannot be successful without collaboration, effective communication, good interaction and cooperation among the various individuals
The process of critical thinking requires you to ask more questions of both others and of yourself before a decision or determination is made. In order to successfully evaluate data in a critical manner, you must have a system in place to assess information as it is presented. In any situation whether you are having a conversation, observing others, or material you have read, you must be ready to probe deeper and ask the right question at the right time.
Most decisions are made with analysis, but some are judgment calls not susceptible to analysis due to time or information constraints. Please write about a judgment call you’ve made recently that couldn’t be analyzed. It can be a big or small one, but should focus on a business issue. What was the situation, the alternatives you considered and evaluated, and your decision making process? Be sure to explain why you chose the alternative you did relative to others considered.
My feelings about the group process was a little mix at first but, at the end I felt like we actually brought it together. Beginning of the group member were all over the place and had no direction, when we were able to take a breather in just think ideas started to flow. I felt like that took the communicator to make it happen. By reinsuring the other group members that everything will go smoothly if we just don’t overthink everything.
This about how to work with groups and other team members, most of the time it is hard to do but with our jobs nowadays we have to do what we have to do. I like working with others for the most part, especially when they are motivated in getting the job done in a timely manner. Then we have some that just don’t want to help but want everybody else to do their work for them.
Decision making can be described as a process of making a decision or decisions, based on choices made amongst two or more competing course of actions. The ‘Decision making’ also requires making a define choice between two or more alternatives course of actions that are available.
When doing so the other group members were active listener, by using their whole body verbally and nonverbal. Like facing the speaker and giving eye contact and try to avoided interruption. The group also acknowledges the thoughts of the speaker by giving constructive feed back. Due to the effectiveness of the group communication, we were able to build trust, respect and understand the issues and make decision for effective change. We illustrate this by coming together as a group one again to accomplish the goal we initially wanted to accomplish. Since the first organization that we had chosen was incorrect, so we had to make the necessary changes to accomplish our goals. The other effective feature is the purpose of the group. Kozier et al (2010) stated that the effective group purpose is when “goal, task, and outcomes are clarified. Understanding and modified so that members of the group can commit themselves to purposes through cooperation” (p.401). For instance, each individual was assign a task and knew what was to be accomplished. As group we all decided to meet at suitable day and time which was beneficial to all team members, because we could commit to the group and focus on what needed to be achieved.
Being involved in a group project was a challenge for me, due to the fact that we had some communication problems between our group members in the beginning. First of all, we started with a brainstorming, analysing the opportunities of companies around Hendon Central. More than this, we agreed on the same firm and started our work. Within a teamwork, there are some challenges that occur such as remaining focused on a direction, splitting equally the work and choosing a good leader. Bearing all this in mind, I might say that we did our best during the presentation and we coped with the minor communication issues. From this experience, I realized that I am a good leader and I can manage efficiently a project.