
Critical Success Factors In Project Success

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Critical Success Factors
Pinto & Slevin (1988) developed a list of critical success factors (CSFs) that are essential to the success of any project. In the early 1990’s research was carried out based on 400 different types of projects that used these CSFs and found that these managerial, behavioural and organisational issues that remain within the control of the project manager are what contribute most highly to project success (Hamilton, 2001). These 10 critical success factors are referenced highly in project management literature:
• Project mission: the objectives and purpose of the project must be understood by all stakeholders involved in the project.
• Top management support: senior management must be willing to provide resources such …show more content…

This should include schedules, milestones, and equipment and labour requirements. It is also necessary to have measurement system in place to judge actual performance against time schedules and budget.
• Client consultation: clients, which is any entity that will make use of the product of the project, must be communicated with, consulted with and listened to throughout the duration of the project life-cycle. There is a correlation between client involvement and their support for the end result
• Personnel: the recruitment, selection and training of personnel should be developed based on skill and not overlooked.
• Technical tasks: it is necessary that personal have the right technical skills and technology available to them to perform the tasks. It is vital that project managers understand the technology.
• Client acceptance: efficiency of the project is determined in the final stage of the project life cycle. The client must accept the finished project.
• Monitoring: each step of a project needs monitoring and feedback which give the project manager the ability to anticipate problems, to ensure no deficiencies occur and to oversee corrective

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