
Critical Thinking Application

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Critical Thinking Application Paper Introduction Think deeply! Think and keep thinking. Still, not everyone who thinks or thinks deeply is actually critical thinking. You can be highly intelligent or have vast knowledge but that doesn’t mean that you can think critically. Using intelligence and knowledge to reach one’s rationale viewpoint and objective in what a critical thinker does. The opinions and beliefs of a critical thinker stand on firmer ground. Better decisions and problems solving are more credible and supported by reasons and facts instead of false information and statements. According to Paul and Elder (2006), “Critical thinking is that mode of thinking—about any subject, content, or problem—in which the thinker …show more content…

Identify & Characterize Arguments Critical thinkers identify and characterize arguments with evidence, data, proofs, and verification. Whether in verbal or written, critical thinker chose words and vocabulary carefully to accomplish well defined conclusions. The arguments can be deductive or inductive depending on the nature of the issues. A critical thinker should doubt that conclusion from either inductive or deductive arguments is absolute. The conclusion may be based on fact and evidence, but the fact and evidence can be erroneous. Examples can be found in court cases where a person who is found guilty by the jury is really innocent. On the other hand, guilty individuals do get away with the law if their evidences are not fully disclosed. Evaluate Information Sources Critical thinker evaluates information sources to get reliable and accurate information. Arguments are usually supported by facts to come to a conclusive conclusion, (Fisher, 2001). A critical thinker should questions to validity of the facts. Are the sources where the facts came from are dependable and true. When the answers to arguments are complicated with no clear answers, critical thinker should rely on more credible and accurate. The sources must have qualifications, and good reputation. Evaluate Arguments The evaluation arguments ask the whether the assumption are known to

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