1. What assumptions did you notice as you worked with the paper the second time around? When I first began working on the second draft of the Final Report, I assumed that I would have no difficulty in ascertaining what my subject topic was going to be, since I was going to fine tune and carry on with my topic from my first draft. I did not go in this direction and so found choosing the topic for the second draft to be a difficult subject to pin down as there were so many avenues to pursue. I needed something relevant to my industry and still interesting to me. I had also assumed that the second draft would be easier to work on and I did find this assumption to be a true fact. Part of the reason had to do with tightening down my …show more content…
How did you incorporate feedback from your facilitator into the final draft of the assignment? 3. What improvements do you see in this version of your paper as compared to the first one you handed in?
• On my draft copy of the final assignment, I was lead by my emotions on the subject topic than using the critically thinking techniques as the underlay for the essay, missing out such tools as assumptions. I went through the critical thinking tools to assess that I had used them to the full advantage of the essay.
• Again I had lead by my emotions when choosing the subject topic and found that I had made the subject topic too broad or ambiguous, so I changed my topic states a specific point of view. I believe my final draft offers evidence to support my statement
4. What did you learn from doing additional research while working on the second draft?
While it was not easy, the actual writing of a second draft actually felt better and easier than the first. The more I read and edited, the better the flow of the copy seemed to feel. Less pressure to get something down on paper seemed to help creativity to flow and reworking and/or rewriting seemed easier this time around rather than trying to “invent” the
Prior knowledge on writing and grammar were also applied throughout the process of creating the project. I once read that when writing, one should write straight through before returning and editing the existing work. This pushes the writer to continue forwards instead of back, which I found to be true. Now that the first draft is complete, I can continue editing and improving the novelette. My previous knowledge on grammar was also used to edit portions of the novelette that were grammatically
In the article, Richard Marius said that he actually wrote four drafts of his book. I thought about what he said about finding it helpful to completely retype the final draft instead of just editing it on the computer screen and I think that it is a very good idea. By, “letting all the words run through my mind and fingers one more time”, I can, initially proofread at the same time as I am generating my final draft. (Marius paragraph 12) If a sentence or a word does not seem quite right to me, that would probably be the best time to catch it and
Making revision to my rough draft was difficult but a rewarding task. At times I felt like I needed a break from my paper and I did take many breaks. Taking breaks is understandable however when an individual take breaks try to keep in mind the timeframe in which you need in order to complete the final research paper. This experience has taught me that planning is a must and sticking to the planning schedule is necessary in order to produce a grammar, well structured and organized paper.
g. Explanation of the central points from the article(s): Avoid just using a quote from a source. Explain what you think the author means.
IV. Preview: In order to discuss this topic, I will cover these three main points.
He also states that it is important to track the revision changes made throughout the evolution of the draft. The act of tracking can show how much you have changed due to revision and can give you a clearer view of how the thought process changed (445-447, 457). Harris’s purpose through making these arguments about the lack of proper revision and giving advice on how to revise at a mature level are to help writers rewrite instead of merely editing and making small, localized changes.
Another thing that I have learned that goes with writing multiple drafts is using the reader’s feedback in order to craft my next draft. I have learned through the semester that the audience plays a huge part in
Thank you very much for your revisions. I have started working on them; however, I have some questions that I would like to ask you:
to which points I needed to address. To my surprise, the outline really helped aid me
Critical thinking is a significant and essential topic in recent education. The strategy of critical thinking skills helps identify areas in one's courses as the suitable place to highlight, expand and use some problems in exams that test students' critical thinking skills.
Please read the subsequent paper, grade appropriately and accurately, and provide feedback and comments with advice on how to improve.
5. In what ways am I able to apply the ideas and concepts gained to my own experience?
Methods. Reviewer 3 had several comments and recommendations regarding various aspects of our methodology. We followed most of the recommendations, adding a table of our key constructs, defining them and giving examples. There were more substantive revisions we made based on reviewer 3’s comments
His real name was Travis Sage, but everyone called him Sage. Sage earned a Bachelor Degree from Princeton, an MBA from the London School of Economics, and a law degree from Harvard. As a graduate student in Europe, he wrote a brilliant thesis that updated the guiding principles of the Austrian School of Economics with 21st century economic, social and political realities. The subsequent white papers he authored became the economic foundation that guided The Movement’s macro and micro economic policy and regulation. With Sage in the background, Edward Birch and the Virginia State Legislature had coupled libertarian ideology with economic legislation, policy and regulation that was equal parts pragmatic and practical, while easy to explain to the bumper-sticker mentality of Virginia voters. Since Edward Birch became governor, Sage’s economic philosophy guided virtually all economic policy decisions in the state. In the hands of Sage, the Virginia economy was running white hot.
Another one of the major changes made was reorganizing the structure of my paper. On my rough draft, I had a very poor introduction. I cut some of it out and reorganized it so everything flows correctly. I also had