Critically evaluate the relevance of the contingency approach to managing on the managerial work of the manager you interviewed.
Jane Smith is the Director of Human Resources and Operations of a mid-sized (approx. 700 staff), ASX listed, insurance and wealth management firm – XYZ Wealth (pseudonyms have been used to respect the privacy of both the HRD and the firm involved). XYZ Wealth operates across Australia, with the management team based in Melbourne. Jane directly leads a team of seven HR and communication employees and five operations staff, and has a strong influence across the organisation. Reporting to the CEO, with both board and ASX reporting responsibilities, Jane’s role and authority at XYZ Wealth is prominent. As the HR
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In effect, Jane is using one of Mintzberg’s ‘Managing on Three Levels’ (being, information) technique (Mintzberg, 1994). Non-routine technologies, however, have high task variety and experience and technical knowledge are used to perform the work and solve problems. Using Woodward’s research, organisations with more non-routine technologies are more likely to have organic structures (Robbins et al, 2009)
Similar to many companies in finance, XYZ Wealth has traditionally had a very bureaucratic structure based around division of labor, central controls and a strict hierarchy – almost Weber’s ideal bureaucratic structure. (Robbins et al, 2009) - with the CEO at the top and the majority of staff (in processing and call centre roles) making up the bottom. Divisions were created by job role and geography and the machinations of the firm had little to do with the head office and their goals. However, since the challenge of Global Financial Crisis (GFC) companies, particularly in financial fields, have had to be leaner and more able to change and faster at doing it. XYZ Wealth has started to develop a flatter management structure, with a matrix-reporting style and business units connecting with each other (Chapman, 2001). For instance, instead of all Human Resources (HR) consultants sitting together in an HR team environment, those dedicated to a
1.3 Evaluate a model of managerial style in which the manager can apply skills to identify, study and
1. Read `Spotlight on Management` on pages 133-149 and the practice lesson `The Real World` on page 152. Please discuss the following questions in detail. Your response to each question should consist of: a minimum word count of 250 words and at least three (3) scholarly sources (1 resource can be the textbook):
1. Read `Spotlight on Management` on pages 133-149 and the practice lesson `The Real World` on page 152. Please discuss the following questions in detail. Your response to each question should consist of: a minimum word count of 250 words and at least three (3) scholarly sources (1 resource can be the textbook):
As the corporate HR director, Judith Dixon should attempt to find a solution that prevents litigation by Maalick. Not only does Maalick have a very strong case against Treton, but trials can large financial expenses and severely damaged reputations for organizations as a whole (Wade, 2014). A similar situation occurred at Turner Industries and instead of quickly addressing the complaint, the company spent thousands of dollars in legal fees, paid $4 million in damages, and greatly lost the prestige. Therefore, Dixon should take the situation very seriously and ensure the situation is fully handled.
1. Read `Spotlight on Management` on pages 133-149 and the practice lesson `The Real World` on page 152. Please discuss the following questions in detail. Your response to each question should consist of: a minimum word count of 250 words and at least three (3) scholarly sources (1 resource can be the textbook):
Also contributing to the outcome of the power struggle were structural features that existed across the financial industry. The whole industry is governed and motivated by profits generated through individual contribution irrespective of the firm’s net performance. This particular industry structure results in the classic inter departmental tensions to maximize the individual department’s profits. To a certain extent, Lehman had to comply with rest of the companies by creating the isolated departmental structure to maintain its top performers. As a result, when a department creates 60-80% of the firm’s profit, the power shifts to the department making the most money. Lehman could have created an alternate compensation strategy to reduce the potential for power struggle between the departments. For example, rather
The case revolves around the ‘Alice Saddy Association’ which is a non-profit agency in London, Ontario. The association was formed to help people with developmental disabilities live independently in their own apartments instead of living in group homes. The association consisted of support service managers and support workers who helped the people who needed support. Ken MacLellan is the executive director of the association, who is facing some concerns raised by the workers about the growing size of the company and its organization structure. He promises to the workers that he would respond to the issues raised but is also worried that the Management would resist any such changes considering it a threat to the current system.
This is the most important aspect to help determine the managerial strategy to use, because it help ask two questions to determine
Question “1”: Roles and activities of a manager (explain one theory by linking with the case study):
LO3: Understand the role of HR in the managing of contemporary business issues and external contents.
Businesses have numerous key departments which keep the structure running appropriately and supports the business to build and embellish in all worldwide markets. This report will consider what the key departments do for the business, in addition, this report will enlighten the research procedure used and significant complications which have been encountered throughout.
Whenever there is a change in incumbency at the top management, the new incumbent would like to have SWOT analysis of the organisation. Jessica Walker the new incumbent HR director of Sunshine Steels observed that HR services of the company were in shambles. Every HR expert would like to learn and rectify the deficiencies in the policies followed in the past. This case study is helpful in achieving both the objectives.
Human Resource Management is a vast field and there are infinite issues related to it, this paper will focus only on core issues faced by Human Resource Practitioners in Australia and thus analyse how such practitioners can contribute to achieve high performance workplace culture. It is indeed necessary to identify these challenges faced by Human Resource Practitioners in Australia in order to implement and develop effective HR practices & policies and thus enable the Human Resource Practitioners to achieve a high performance workplace culture which would be beneficial to the organization. The Human Resource Practitioners need to identify the external as well as internal influences that will impact the organization and formulate a strategy
Define and discuss the different theories of management, using practical examples from your experience or knowledge. Compare classical management theory to any contemporary.
The Melbourne office has some fantastic talent especially within the knowledge practice. However, despite this, the office has been under performing in comparison with the rest of the company. The CEO is