
Criticical And Applied Philosophy Of Mary Wollstonecraft

Decent Essays

Mary Wollstonecraft, born in 1759, is known as one of the world’s most influential liberal, feminist authors. With her literary works appalling the world with her radical ideas in a fairly conservative time period. She is renowned to have her feminist, but also rational, views on equal rights and education as all she wanted was women to not be excluded from men. The topic of this essay is Wollstonecraft’s basic theoretical and applied philosophy in relation to her role in the movement of Romanticism, her ideas on enlightenment, and her criticisms regarding her rationalism. This essay will also discuss if I agree or disagree in part or in whole with Wollstonecraft. Wollstonecraft’s basic theoretical and applied philosophy is based on the ideas of God, reason, sentiments of humanity, the European Enlightenment, romanticism, universal human rights, human progress in virtue and happiness, and more. When it comes to her moral knowledge and understanding, Wollstonecraft is not to be criticized for being too much of a rationalist for failing to give proper place to the emotions because she bases it on reason and does give emotions a proper place. Wollstonecraft gives a key role to the natural human sentiments and emotions of humanity when it comes to moral perception, understanding, and knowledge and she has a place in the movement of Romanticism as she vindicated for women’s rights at the time and she provided a transition between the Enlightenment and Romanticism. In terms of

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