
Critique: Sample Size and Personal Message

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Research Critique 1
Research Critique of "The Influence of Personal Message with
Music on Anxiety and Side Effects Associated with Chemotherapy"
Jennifer Robey BSN
Duke University
N 307 Spring 2005 Research Critique 2
Research Critique of "The Influence of Personal Message with
Music on Anxiety and Side Effects Associated with Chemotherapy"
The introduction of this article does give you a sense of the importance of the problem area. The area being talked about in this article is how fear and anxiety can negatively impact a patient receiving chemotherapy. The authors then go on to say that relaxation techniques can be used to decrease a patient’s
anxiety …show more content…

The reference list itself was small and some of the articles were dated. This particular study was published in
1996 and three of the references used were from the years 1981 through 1983. Reference two on the list was not used in the literature search, even though the primary focus of this reference was in the critical care arena it would have been nice to see how those authors used the techniques. The dependent variables in this study are anxiety level and chemotherapy side effects. These variables are not explained in the literature search as to how they are defined. The independent variables are the use of music and a personalized message from the physician during chemotherapy. Like the dependent variables there is no explanation as to how these are defined. Research Critique 5 There is no clear hypothesis stated in the literature review section of the paper, however there are two hypotheses listed after the methodology section. It would have been easier to read about the hypotheses before the methods were given, so that the reader could understand why the methods were being done the way they were. The first hypothesis is: “The intervention of music and a message from the physician will strengthen the flexible lines of defense of a patient receiving chemotherapy, as evidenced by a decrease in anxiety over time.” (Sabo & Michael,
1996) The second

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