
Crizotinib Essay

Decent Essays

Review of Article “Crizotinib for the Treatment of ALK-Rearranged Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Success Story to Usher in the Second Decade of Molecular Targeted Therapy in Oncology”
Reviewed by Brian Yip The main focus of this article was to Crizotinib as an inhibitor for ALK-rearragements in the Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). The drug was first developed because of the ability for a diagnostic fluorescent in situ hybridization assay to be used to detect ALK-rearranged NSCLC. Pfizer has developed this drug to inhibit ALK and MET in many cancers that are associated with mutations in these specific genes. It has recently been shown to have an effect against ROS1-rearragements in NSCLC. This article provided better insight on the heterogeneity between ALK and ROS1 rearrangements in different subtypes of NSCLC. There is also information in the research article that sheds light into the future developments for crizotinib for ALK-rearrangements and some diagnostic assays that can detect NSCLC. This drug is important to the future of cancer therapies because it targets a subtype to NSCLC and defines a molecular target for its effectiveness. It can broaden a field which involves personalized therapies …show more content…

It can be a way for doctors to perform the ensure more personalized medicine for each specific NSCLC patient. It is also shown how effective and the ways the crizotinib may be used in the future for other mutations such as ROS1. This is very important to non-scientists because it can be a breakthrough in medicine for personalized cancer treatment and diagnostics. We may soon be able to determine each cancer patients’ specific mutation and put them on the correct treatment instead of trial and error. It is also shown that crizotinib may be used in other types of cancers aside from NSCLC which will effect everyone since this is another drug on the market that can preserve

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