
Cross County Leadership

Decent Essays

Throughout high school, I have participated in numerous school sports and activities. Cross county had a tremendous impact on my life and the lessons I have learned from the sport I will perpetually cherish. Another activity I have been a part of for three years is yearbook. I am the senior editor of the yearbook and have, thus, learned to engage my leadership skills. Additionally, choir is an activity I am passionate about. Singing is an escape from the chaos of my day and I revel in the joy it brings me. Furthermore, my two friends and I brought forth the idea of a cross country ski club at our school, and we initiated its formation. Though I have never had a real job, I have accumulated work experience in a different way. Most days I must complete chores around the house, such as doing the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, or stacking firewood. I also cut my dad’s hair and mow my grandparents’ lawn. Doing these tasks has taught me not to complain but rather to stay positive no matter the circumstance. …show more content…

Since the summer of eighth grade I have volunteered at Essentia Health Hospital making tie blankets for inpatients. These patients are able to take the blankets home with them when they are well enough to leave the hospital. Moreover, I volunteer at my local church for a once-a-month food share. I help unload the food from the truck, sort out the rotten produce, and distribute the food among the shareholders. Additionally, I clean up highways and trails as a part of Green Club ,and I partake in numerous other volunteer opportunities within my school

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