
Crossdressing Twelfth Night

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For my project, I intended to write about the gender and sexuality portrayed in Twelfth Night as well as the possible reactions to the contents of the play when Twelfth Night was first staged and current productions of the play. With gender, I want to look at the ways in which gender is presented and the effects of crossdressing on gender. The effects of crossdressing also links into what I want to discuss with sexuality. I want to look at what is both said and implied about sexuality in the play. What part does crossdressing play in the presentation of sexuality? After I have observed these aspects of the play, I want to take a look at the time in which the play was written and then staged. I am curious about how the viewers reacted to the play. After this, I want to look at reactions to the play in more recent times and compare both the reactions and the implications. What adaptations have been made, and are there still all-male castings? If so, how does the audience react to an all-male casting? To complete this task, I intended to focus on literary analysis of the play, history of the plays staging, the time period of when the play was written and staged, and present day adaptations. The topic that may give me the most trouble is researching how the audience would have reacted to the play. Because of …show more content…

The play is now more widely available, and there are many different productions, so I may do research on this topic but not include my findings in my paper. For my research, I am going to look at the ways Twelfth Night is currently being presented. There are a mix of all-male and female and male presentations, so I will talk about the effects of the gender of the actors on the play. I may also look at how other writers use the play to highlight their own work and how this also effects current views on Twelfth

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