
Cruelty In Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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In William Golding’s The Lord of the Flies, Jack and Roger use their acts of cruelty towards the other boys to show a sense of power on the island. The acts of insidious cruelty in the novel reveal how power hungry Jack and Roger tend to be. In the beginning, Jack is not cruel.. From the start, Jack has a sense of innocence until killing of their first pig. However, as the story carries on, this changes. Jack and his choir were obsessed with hunting and slaughtering a pig because of the power and bloodlust they are given from killing another animate object. While killing their first pig, the boys chant, ““Kill the pig! Cut its throat! Spill her blood!”. These words, started by Jack, are cruel because they could have killed the pig …show more content…

To make matters worse, Jack decides to play a ‘game’ by putting Robert in the center of a circle while chanting and abusing him, as they do to pigs in an insidious manner. Jack then suggests to use a little one for the game, implying that they are no good. Since the beginning, he has never cared for them because they could never gain him any power. In chapter nine, the boys release their energy into what they believe is the beast crawling from the forest. However, they soon realize they had killed Simon, and have no remorse. As the game continues, his behavior becomes worse as the location of the beast is revealed. Jack states, “This will be a real hunt.” Jack is implying that the hunt for a pig, the game and killing Simon were all twisted preparation for their largest and most meaningful hunt. Gaining a sense of power, though the thought of killing pigs and the games, Jack reveals the evil and cruel qualities he holds within. Now that the boys are split, Roger informs the boys that Wilfred, one of the little ones, is being beaten. There is no given reason why, so, the boys believe that Jack is doing it simply because he can. Jack is able to show his authority as a chief and does this to fulfil his cruel needs.

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