“Ouch!”, “Stop that!”, “That hurts!”, are all things that animals want to say when they are being experimented on. When people produce new products, these products have to be tested on lab animals. During these procedures, animals are being harmed in the testing of the product. Animal experimentation should be band, because it hurts the likes of animals and misleads scientists. Animals should have the same rights as humans do. 93% of animals that are experimented on in labs aren’t totaled up by the US Animal Welfare Act (“US Statistics”). All animals should have rights, not just some of them. Believe it or not, animals have the same feeling humans have. Even though they cannot speak their mind, they can still express what they are feeling through the …show more content…
The Human Society has a video segment that shows baby chimps taken from their mothers, as they are screaming, baby primates are aware of the scientists performing agonizing processes, and the threat of using or going to use a dart gun on chimps (“Undercover Investigation Reveals Cruelty to Chimps at Research Lab”). Animals shouldn’t have to be removed from their mother, threatened or wide awake during a procedure. It’s like the end of the world, when getting a papercut, but these animals go through the abuse everyday of their lives. The National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) said that the Draize Test is a source of “extreme discomfort and pain” for animals forced in the test. During the procedure of the eye test, which is a part of the Draize Test, rabbits are forced in position and the scientists force their eyes open for days at a time, so that the rabbits can’t blink the product away (“Do Cosmetic Companies Still Test on Live Animals?”). The agony of having a staring contest hurts enough, but having clips on their eyes, with a solution in them, is pure torture. Animals shouldn’t have to go through testing procedures that they endure every
Stop all testing and breeding of any animals of all kinds. Animal testing is not beneficial because they cause animals pain. They breed animals for testing and for research for checking if an experiment goes right.Most animals are killed during the testings. We shouldn’t have testing because of that.
In the 21st century I would get rid of animal testing .Animal research has had a vital role in many scientific and medical advances of the past century and continues to aid our understanding of various diseases throughout the world.
Animals are used for a variety of different tests. Human disease cures are always tried on animals first, most make up must perform experiments with the product on animals first, and dogs and pigs are used to practice surgery on for surgeons. It is not fair and humane to conduct experiments on animals to make sure a product or procedure is safe for us to use or endure. There are no legitimate reasons that an animal’s life is worth less than our own. I think that animal's should have similar rights that people have because they too feel pain and experience emotions and just because they look different doesn’t mean that they are that much different than us.
To begin with, animals ' rights are abused when they are utilized as a part of research. Animals and individuals are similar in numerous ways; they both feel, think, act on, and encounter torment. Therefore, animals should be treated with the same dignity as people. However animals ' rights are disregarded when they are utilized as a part of research since they are not given a decision. Animals are subjected to tests that are again and again agonizing or cause lasting harm or even death, and they are never given the alternative of not taking part in the experiment. Animals don 't freely give themselves up for the progression of
Every year, millions of animals are killed or poisoned, and put through extreme cruelty and suffering just so that inhuman and outdated tests can attempt to evaluate the hazards of consumer products and the ingredients included in them. In an experiment to measure poisonous effects many animals, such as mice, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, and many more, are forced to inhale or swallow large quantities of a test substance or have some type of chemical smeared onto their skin or into their eyelids (“8 Million Signatures Needed in Fight Against Animal Testing”). As stated before, it is now known that only a small percentage of tests result in good outcomes, so why are the animals put through the torture or suffering that the laboratories put them
Each year in U.S. laboratories, small animals are tortured in several ways such as being deafened, having their skin burned off, and having holes drilled in their heads (PETA, “Animals in Medical Experiments”). These cruel abuses can be prevented if animal testing is eliminated. Animal testing is an inhumane method of research that uses animals to ensure the safety of medicines and cosmetic products for human beings. As suggested by Kristina Cook, small animals such as mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs are the creatures who are subjected most to the torture, but larger animals including primates and dogs are also frequently used for experimentation.
People are constantly overruling the decision of an animal that is unable to speak, for the fact that, they can not express themselves verbally. Animal experimentation has been going on for years, and so has the debate of whether it should continue or stop. Due to the cause of these experiments, a lot of animals have been severely hurt, which is then followed by their heartbreaking death unless retired and immediately sent to get treated. Animal experimentation must stop because it is unfair that animals can not express verbally and state their opinion of being experimented on.
100 million animals die each in the US. Those animals include mice,rats,frogs,dogs,cats,rabbits, hamster,guinea pigs,monkeys,fish and birds. All of the listed animals are used for a biology lessons,medical training,chemical experimentation, drug,food and cosmetic testing. Plus all of these animals are tortured and forced to do things that the animals do not want to do. Animals should not be used for scientific or commercial testing because animals testing can be cruel and inhumane,tests do not reliably predict in human beings, and tests are most expensive than other test and government money is wasted.
Being away at college makes you realize all the little things that you miss. Something’s that you did not even know you liked, loved, or would even miss when you are away from home for weeks at a time. My favorite part about coming home is the second I walk through the door, I am greeted by my dog. I always thought she was the biggest pain in the butt that liked to eat my favorite pieces of clothing. But seeing how happy she is when I come home makes me grateful for her. So my love for my dog has made me realize that animal testing is wrong and cruel to animals. I will be going over some of the history of animal testing, giving examples of some of the tests that are being performed, and mentioning some of the laws and acts created. While reading through this think is this test necessary when the animals will be put through cruel procedures. This is why I think that animal testing should be reevaluated to see if it is really worthwhile.
Humans have rights and animals are pretty similar to humans so why shouldn’t animals have rights. Animal testing laws should be more strict so not a lot of animals end up dying. Animals are an important part of this world, and if we don’t take good care of them and keep on killing them, then what are researchers going to do. Just like if you take out an animal out of a food chain then the whole entire food chain gets affected, if we take out animals
I buy a great deal of your products. I have spent more than I care to admit. Now I hear your going back to animal testing. If this is true, I suggest you STOP! I know many many people who use your products and I have talked with all of them and we have decided to boycott your product until you go back to cruelty free makeup.Now I know what you are thinking, your thinking a few people wont make a difference on your bottom line. I suggest you think about the 17 people whom I have convenced to boycott your product, each one of them knows more than a couple of people to convince and then those people know others and so on. You see how this will become a huge problem for your
Animal testing is cruel and should be banned because there are better ways to test things. My second reason is that different species of animals and humans are so different so there bodies will react differently to different things. Lastly, the animal welfare act is bypassed and animals are treated very poorly when they test in the animals. These are just some of the reasons proving animal testing is cruel and should be banned.
According to this website called Animal testing procon.org it tells us how there is 95% of our animals being used for scientific experiments. The animals were not protected in any way by the federal Animal Welfare Act, which will exclude any birds, rats and or even mice bred for research. There were cold blooded animals such as reptiles and or even fish from our oceans. I feel as if Animals should not be tested for scientific experiments because, well, why would people want to be so cruel to animals that can not even speak they did nothing to do deserve such cruelness upon themselves. What I am trying to say is I speak for the animals I love animals and their habitats I would never want to go ruin their precious home or even them. Basically if you have ever seen the lorax, the lorax is trying to protect him and his home, so why ruin a animal that has done no harm in the world. Why do scientific experiments on them when you can do it to someone that is your size.I feel as if Animals should not be used for scientific testing. They are basically living things they do nothing they love their home and themselves. Instead we should use technology. It does no harm to the animals or their habitats of where they live.
“Dogs do not have many advantages over people, but one of them is extremely important: euthanasia is not forbidden by law in their case; animals have the right to a merciful death.” Milan Kundera. Using animals to test the safety of the products has been a heated topic for a decade. Generally animal testing means scientific experiment or test where alive animals are forced to undergo which cause them pain, suffering, or lasting harm. Animals testing include injecting or force feeding animals with potentially harmful substances, exposing animals to radiation, surgically removing animal’s organs or tissues to deliberately cause damage, forcing animals to inhale toxic gases, subjecting animals to frightening situations to create anxiety and depression.
As a society we have failed to notice, it’s everywhere. The animal testing footprint. Aeroguard, Chapstick, Michael Kors, Palmolive and Dettol: these common household brands all have the dark footprints of animal experimentation embedded into it.