
Crustacean Research Paper

Decent Essays

There are two biological impacts during handling and storage of crustaceans such as oxygen and temperature. Crustaceans need oxygen to life. Besides, crustaceans have the ability to survive for some time out of water. However, when in air the animals may appear to be blowing bubbles, which they use to keep their gills moist and allow some exchange of oxygen. Meanwhile, this leads to a built up of waste products in the blood and gill chamber, which are released rapidly when the animal is returned to seawater. Storing the crustacean out of water will dry out the gills causing damage. It will prevent animals from recovering when re-immersed and this can result in high mortality. Crustaceans also developed a short term capability to cope with water that has low concentrations of dissolved oxygen. However, low levels of dissolved oxygen leads …show more content…

At the same time, it will prevent oxygen saturation falling below 95%. The aeration of a storage vessel should be at a depth of at least 1m and a good quality diffuser is required to generate small bubbles. It will ensure good transfer of oxygen to the seawater. Smaller bubbles may increase the transfer of oxygen. Otherwise, cool seawater can contain more dissolved oxygen than warm seawater. The rate of oxygen consumption by the animals will increase as a result of many factors associated with storage and handling. For examples, rapid temperature changes, stress, overcrowding and limb loss. The lobsters need oxygen to be maintained at around 8mg/l. Excessive aeration in order to massively boost oxygen levels is not recommended as it can reduce survival and lead to high turbulence. Oxygen levels should not be allowed to drop below 6mg/l as then the lobsters will be in a weakened state. So, they tend not to molt successfully, the healing of wounds does not occur and survival during onward transport is

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