
Cry Child Abuse

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Soothing a crying baby can be frustrating and exhausting. Many new parents seek help from their families, doctors and social media in hopes that their crying baby will stop crying. On the other hand parents who don’t know how to seek for help result in experiencing extreme exhaustion, distress and frustration. Despite the many attempts parents have made to decrease their infants cry, parents can result in having harmful thoughts about their infant and in fact these harmful thoughts can result in child abuse and neglect (Glodowski, & Thompson, 2017). In order to help parents soothe their crying infant, educators implemented educational programs that would help a parent overcome frustration and distress on themselves and their infant. These …show more content…

Depending on each participant avability sessions with the two conditions were alternated. The first condition conducted was no condition and the second session alternated to activies and so forth. Each session began when the participant clicked the “Start” button and the researcher had left the room. When participants clicked the “Start” button a recorded cry was produced, thus participants were given the ability to terminate the crying sound by clicking another black button on the computer; at any time they felt they could no longer withhold the sound. After the cry was terminated the recorded cry would loop to the same repeated sound for the next participant, in effort to avoid an escape from the session particioants were given thrity mintunes to one minture between sessions. For the no activies condition participants were told that, “A recorded cry will begin after you click the ‘Start’ button. Please tolerate the cry as long as possible. When you can longer tolerate the recorded cry, click the black button to trun it off.” After the participant had clicked the black button a message would appear on the screen saying, “Thank you for your participation. The researcher will inform you when the session has ended.” The session that did provide acticitves had the exact introduction and message in the end, except the message in the end of the study had an additional statement that …show more content…

The frist coniton conducted was the no activies where participants were told to terminate the sound, when they could no longer yoletae the cry, here they had no distracting activies. The second condition conductd was the condition where activies were provide at the time the participant cliked the black button on the screen. This study provided the reserachers with two data inputs, one data point was latency the time that participants clicked the black button, determined how much time they could tolerate the cry and the enagement data where the obersevrs would recored how long the participant enaged in one of the distracting activites provided. The research design followed a multiement design where the two conditions were alternated in rapidly with a thrity minute to a minute break before the nesxt participant arrived. Results were plotted on a graph to facilitate

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