

Decent Essays
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Ocean County College
Professor 's Syllabus

Professor 's Name: Jamie Bradley
Course Title and Number: MATH 156 – Introduction to Statistics
Semester: Summer 2014
Office Location: TBA
E-Mail Address:
Office Hours: By appointment

Catalog Description: An introductory level course for non-mathematics majors who need or desire a working knowledge of statistics. This course is oriented towards all fields in which statistics finds applications. Topics include: summarizing data, probability, normal and binomial distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals and correlation. This is a writing intensive course in which students write essays totaling 1200 word …show more content…

Hypothesis Testing: One and Two Sample Test of Percent in Binomial Experiments: Statistical Hypotheses, Statistical Errors - Type I & II, Decision Rules, Hypothesis Testing Procedures
Hypothesis Testing with Sample Means: Large and Small One and Two Sample Tests
Confidence Intervals
Correlation and Regression

Statement of Plagiarism: Cheating will not be tolerated. If caught, disciplinary action will be taken as defined by College Policy #5180. Students should refer to the student handbook and review Policy #5180.

Statement about Civility: See

Classroom Participation:
Students are expected to arrive on time and be prepared for class. All cell phones and electronic devices should be turned off and put away during class to avoid interruptions. Your class participation grade will consist of classroom conduct, how much you participate in class, and the completion of any activities during class time.

Evaluation of student: Your final grade will be computed as follows:
Exam average – 50%
Quizzes – 20%
Writing Assignments – 20%
Class Participation - 10%

Campus Resources and Services: Tutoring is available [a] in the Writing Center for writing assignments in all subject areas, not just English courses, and [b] in the Mathematics Tutoring Center. Tutoring information for all other subjects can be found on the Tutoring page on the college

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