Ocean County College
Professor 's Syllabus
Professor 's Name: Jamie Bradley
Course Title and Number: MATH 156 – Introduction to Statistics
Semester: Summer 2014
Office Location: TBA
E-Mail Address: jamie_bradley@portal.ocean.edu
Office Hours: By appointment
Catalog Description: An introductory level course for non-mathematics majors who need or desire a working knowledge of statistics. This course is oriented towards all fields in which statistics finds applications. Topics include: summarizing data, probability, normal and binomial distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals and correlation. This is a writing intensive course in which students write essays totaling 1200 word
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Hypothesis Testing: One and Two Sample Test of Percent in Binomial Experiments: Statistical Hypotheses, Statistical Errors - Type I & II, Decision Rules, Hypothesis Testing Procedures
Hypothesis Testing with Sample Means: Large and Small One and Two Sample Tests
Confidence Intervals
Correlation and Regression
Statement of Plagiarism: Cheating will not be tolerated. If caught, disciplinary action will be taken as defined by College Policy #5180. Students should refer to the student handbook and review Policy #5180.
Statement about Civility: See www.ocean.edu/civility.htm
Classroom Participation:
Students are expected to arrive on time and be prepared for class. All cell phones and electronic devices should be turned off and put away during class to avoid interruptions. Your class participation grade will consist of classroom conduct, how much you participate in class, and the completion of any activities during class time.
Evaluation of student: Your final grade will be computed as follows:
Exam average – 50%
Quizzes – 20%
Writing Assignments – 20%
Class Participation - 10%
Campus Resources and Services: Tutoring is available [a] in the Writing Center for writing assignments in all subject areas, not just English courses, and [b] in the Mathematics Tutoring Center. Tutoring information for all other subjects can be found on the Tutoring page on the college
I have read and understand the APUS plagiarism policy. At all time, every student should be accountable for their own work. The plagiarism policy is there to make sure students are learning rather than copying and using someone else work.
By enrolling with the College I have confirmed I have understood and agreed to abide by College regulations pertaining to plagiarism.
I have read and understand the plagiarism policy as outline in the syllabus and the section in the Catalog relating to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which include expulsion from Indian Wesleyan University.
If you choose not to install Data Analysis Plus, it will be the student’s sole responsibility to utilize and learn other
In William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth Shakespeare indirectly characterizes Lady Macbeth through incorporating her heartless actions. For example, after Macbeth completes the unspeakable deed of murdering Duncan he becomes fearful and unwilling to transfer the blame of the murder to Duncan's servants. Lady Macbeth claims he is weak of purpose and childish because he is afraid. Additionally, Lady Macbeth demands he hand her the daggers as she will now hold the responsibility of smearing the blood on the servants so they seem guilty. After the deed is complete, Lady Macbeth acts as if she is unknown to King Duncan’s death. Through Lady Macbeth’s actions, before the murder and after, it is clearly evident that she is characterized as
are for each class and how actively you take part in the discussions. Thus, your level of preparation for class sessions and participation in discussions will be factored into the final evaluation. I realize that it might not be possible to attend every class. You can miss two or three class session without it affecting your grade; however, if you miss more than that, it could have an impact on your participation grade.
I have read and understand the plagiarism policy as outlined in the syllabus and the sections in the Student Bulletin relating to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University.
I understand that the School does not tolerate plagiarism. Plagiarism is the knowing or reckless presentation of another person’s thoughts, writings, inventions, as one’s own. It includes the incorporation of another person’s work from published or unpublished sources, without indicating that the material is derived from those sources. It includes the use of material obtained from the internet. (Senate Regulations 6.46)I confirm that I adhere to the School’s Policy on plagiarism.
There are seven steps that will be used within this paper to test a hypothesis. These steps include the following; Step 1: which is stating the null hypothesis, stating the research hypothesis, identifying the target population and sample population, identifying the independent variable and dependent variable. Step 2: establishing the level of significance. Step 3: selecting a one-tailed or two-tailed test. Step 4: conducting the test and excel and providing the results as an excel output. Step 5: calculating the degree of freedom. Step 6: stating the critical value to exceed by the calculated test statistic. Lastly, Step 7: comparing the calculated test statistic and to the level of significance and making a decision about the results. The following steps will be explained in further detail below.
From the codes messages passed furtively throughout the courts of medieval Europe, to the infamous Enigma cipher machine which protected Nazi secrets in World War II, the concept of cryptography is nearly as old as the written word itself. Today, the field of information technology has developed to the point that even the most sophisticated encryption methods are vulnerable, and for those working as information security officers, shielding a company's invaluable data through the use of encryption has become an essential skill. Modern encryption methods rely on much of the same techniques used throughout history, with human readable plaintext being transformed into an unreadable format known as ciphertext upon transmission between two parties, in effort to prevent nefarious third-party intrusions. Within the sub-field of cryptanalysis a growing focus on mathematical theory has spawned the development of intricately constructed algorithms, or governing systems used to precisely define a sequence of operations (Layton, 2007). Modern cryptographic algorithms are capable of creating computationally secured systems that, while they can be theoretically deciphered, are ostensibly secure from any feasible attack strategy. The most widely applied cryptographic algorithms employed by information security officers today typically fall under one of two categories: Symmetric-key cryptography and Public-key cryptography (Peltier, Peltier & Blackley,
The report then goes on to describe what statistical education should look like. The framework presented in the report is based off the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and its Principles and Standards for School Mathematics published in 2000. The framework breaks down statistical education into four main components:
It was recognized that TLS 1.0, when managing different bundles, permits the accompanying parcels to utilize an IV that is the last figure content square of the past bundle. At the end of the day, an assailant who can see the encoded activity can note the IV utilized for session treat . Essentially put, a dynamic aggressor will have the capacity to assemble the Ivs for each one record just by sniffing the system. So if the aggressor can "figure" a plaintext message, he can make a theory at the session treat and check whether the figure content matches.
It is a process of access control which controls users to access their destined roles and authorizations. They may be based on the basis of name of
Plagiarism is misconduct as defined under the Student Conduct By-Laws. The penalties associated with plagiarism are designed to impose sanctions on offenders that reflect the seriousness of the University’s commitment to academic integrity.
Statistics is defined as a branch of mathematics used to analyze, explain summarize as well as interpret what we observe- in order to make sense or meaning of our observations. Every day in life we encounter information that originates from diverse forms and ways. This means that to make this information to have sense, there is the need to use statistics. However, due to its focus and empirical on applications, statistics is classically considered a distinctive mathematical science rather than a branch of mathematics (Chance et al, 2005). Thus, some tasks a statistician use are less mathematical; for instance, making sure data collection is carried out in a manner that yields valid conclusions, reporting results, or coding data in ways understandable to the users. Statistics is known to improve the quality of data by fashioning specific survey samples and experiment designs. It also offers tools used to predict and forecasting the use of data as well as statistical models. It is applicable in many academic fields that include business, government, social and natural sciences.