
Crystal And Lily: Personal Interpretation Of Music

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Composer Ned Rorem once said, “The hardest of all the arts to speak of is music, because music has no meaning to speak of” (Rorem 1). He has a point. What is the meaning of music? It is truly all up to personal interpretation. However, where does that interpretation come from? Generally, music makes everyone feel the same things. Sad music makes people cry. Scary, shrill music gives people goosebumps and makes them jump. However, when looking at individual songs and individual people, it is clear that music affects everyone differently. Crystal and Lily are sisters and are great examples of this concept. Crystal likes hard rock, ACDC, anything with a blaring guitar and head-banging tempo. Lily likes songs that come from musicals, The King and I and The Sound of Music are her favorites, …show more content…

Crystal has become more and more closed and lingers around the house all day. Lily has become controlling and constantly cleans just to give her hands something to do. Both girls on their worst days when there is nothing to clean, and nowhere to go, sit in their shared bedroom with headphones in listening to their respective music. Sometimes they will play cards while alternating through each other’s play lists. Crystal thinks musicals are boring, and Lily gets annoyed with rock; however, they know how much that music means for the other sister and they sit through it. For these girls, music is the glue holding them together while their world is falling apart. Now think about the mall, dentist’s office, parades, the streets of a city, the theatre, and grocery stores; music is played all around. As it turns out, there is actually science behind how people react to music, and there are some unique variables that leave the meaning of music undefined. While everyone has their own tastes in music and reacts differently to it, one should understand how music can deeply affect various

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