
Crystal Methamphetamine Case Summary

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This case involves the suspect being arrested for H&S 11377(a)-Crystal Methamphetamine and an outstanding arrest warrant.
This incident occurred on the south sidewalk of Bellevue Drive at Edmondson Alley.


• Plastic bindle container with a white crystal substance inside, resembling Crystal methamphetamine. The crystal methamphetamine was found inside of Arvizu’s black backpack. The total weight of the crystal methamphetamine was 0.19 gross grams.


On 02-23-18 at approximately 1700 hours, I was traveling north on Raymond Avenue approaching Bellevue Drive. I saw a male Hispanic, later identified as Suspect Ramon Richard Arvizu riding a bicycle west on Bellevue Drive at Edmondson Alley. I immediately recognized Arvizu from prior police contacts in the field. …show more content…

I conducted a records check on Arvizu through PPD Dispatch. Dispatch advised me that Arvizu had an outstanding warrant for his arrest (see attached printout). I handcuffed and arrested Arvizu for the outstanding arrest warrant. The handcuffs were double locked. Arvizu requested that I released his property in the field to Payne. I filled out a Field Identification Card on Payne (FI# 180402). I then transported Arvizu to the Pasadena Jail for booking.

Upon our arrival to the jail, I asked Arvizu if he had any narcotics in his possession. Arvizu replied that he did not have any narcotics in his possession. While inside of the jail, Pasadena Jailer Jung #4767 searched Arvizu. Jailer Jung had Arvizu remove his shoes and socks for the search. Jailer Jung advised me that he found a plastic bindle inside of Arvizu’s right sock.

Jailer Jung handed me the plastic bindle. I opened the plastic bindle and found a crystal substance inside of it. Arvizu told me that he forgot about the plastic bindle inside of his

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