
Cuban Missile Crisis Research Paper

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From October 16 to October 28 of 1962, the United States and the Soviet Union had a 13-day political and military dispute over the installation of Soviet missiles on the island of Cuba. This dispute was known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. After the failed and humiliating Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban people and their dictator, Fidel Castro, asked for support of the Soviet Union and defensive weapons. President John F. Kennedy took careful consideration into his options, choosing to put a naval “quarantine” around Cuba. Finally, this crisis resulted in a treaty for a ban on nuclear testing and the removing of missiles by both the US and USSR. The Cuban Missile Crisis is a critical point in the history of the Cold War and the closest we have …show more content…

Kennedy ordered to have an immediate top-secret meeting with hand-chosen men known as the Executive Committee of the National Security Council, or ExComm for short. There were many options given to the president, such as a limited air strike, a broader air strike, and a full-scale invasion of Cuba, but Kennedy thought and he chose to put a naval quarantine on Cuban waters. This quarantine blocked all Soviet ships with missiles to enter Cuba, Nikita Khrushchev considered this an act of war. On October 22, 1962, it was official. At 7:00 AM in the US, President Kennedy gave a televised speech on the threat of the missiles and how he will solve the problem. Before finishing this speech, he says, “Our goal is not the victory of might, but the vindication of right. Not peace at the expense of freedom, but both peace and freedom- here in the hemisphere and, we hope, around the world. God willing, that goal will be achieved.” On October 26, 1962, Khrushchev, now with happier thoughts, made a deal to take the missiles out of Cuba in return for the promise to never invade Cuba again. Two days later, Kennedy …show more content…

This crisis produced many outcomes and results. The Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed on August 5, 1963 by Nikita Khrushchev, President Kennedy, and more leaders. This treaty banned nuclear testing in space and underwater, but it allowed it underground. Another result would be a sort of “hotline” communication link between Moscow, USSR and Washington DC, USA to help diffuse similar situations. As said before, Kennedy kept his promise to never invade Cuba in return for Soviet withdrawal of missiles in Cuba. Kennedy’s brother Bobby met with Soviet ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and promised him to take the missiles out of Turkey and Italy. These effects are still affecting us today, as there is still a fight between communism and capitalism to see which one is

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