
Cuban Missile Crisis Research Paper

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Good afternoon today I will be talking about how the proper role of the Federal government is to give liberty to the people. Liberty is best expressed through the events of the Cuban missile crisis, traditionalism vs. modernism, and block party and countercultural events.
The Cuban missile crisis best explains liberty because it gave the U.S the freedom to act upon the issue in Cuba. As liberty is defined as freedom to think or act without being limited by an unnecessary force. In this stance, as the Cuban missile crisis could lead the U.S to war; so the freedom to act or speak freely had to be taken more seriously. During this time the best ideas the president should have during this crisis is: strike first before Cuba does, and if Cuba strikes …show more content…

modernism. Traditionalism vs. modernism shows liberty to the modernist's because it gives them the freedom to act or think without the force of the traditionalists or the government. During the 1920s the big cultural values divided the traditionalists and modernists. The biggest conflicts between the modernists and the traditionalists were the new styles vs. old values, religion vs. more experimental (use of drugs and alcohol), adults vs. youth. As the modernists supported Darwinism and natural selection the traditionalists rejected Darwinism and fundamental creationism. In the 1920s traditionalism was more common because everyone was so used to their old ways. When modernism became more popular to the younger generation the government passed amendment 18 in January 1920 which states that alcoholic drinks are prohibited. Traditionalism was more favored for the Drys who were reformers that wanted the government to protect the health, they believe that alcohol leads to crime and abuse, and alcohol equals corruption. As most of the society has converted to modernism they believe that neither evolution should be taught in high school classrooms today. I personally believe that creation should be taught in high school classrooms today because no matter if you are a traditionalist or modernist that shouldn't define who or what you believe in. As a Christian who goes to a Christian high school we …show more content…

The block party and countercultural events shows this by giving the people the freedom to act or speak as they want. A lot of the people in the 1950s aimed to be homogeneous because they were scared that if they were different they would be judged and excluded from their surrounding community. Another reason why the aim to be homogeneous is because they didn't want to be represented or mistaken as a communist. A lot of the ways that living looks like was communities had households where everyone had the same rank no one was higher than one another or no one was lower than the other person. With the modernists leading from traditionalism vs. modernism in this 1950 era drugs were very common in everyday lifestyle. Drug use was said to be no worse than tobacco. The music was heavily influenced by drug use. The three main characteristics of this new lifestyle was very heavily influenced with political views, worldviews, activities and educators. The countercultural era was mainly run by the modernists/young people of the generation. With experimenting with political views, with different activities, and with worldviews it change how our culture functions today. As people still aim to be homogeneous the modernists were still willing to experiment with new activities. The role of the government was to let the people

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