
Cuckoo's Nest Mental Institution

Decent Essays

A mental institution with patients treated like prisoners, waiting to be unleashed from their chains to be understood and accepted by society itself, but is held back by an antagonist, restricting their every move. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” composed by Ken Kesey, is an incredible novel set in an Oregon mental institution, with clients held captive at an antagonist’s disposal. Through the portrayal of the institution as a factory, Kesey illustrates Miss Ratched and the orderlies as holders of unjust power and displays their attempts of pre-programming the individuals to follow her orders, and become more compliant. The patients located in the mental institution are treated nothing less than convicts, and their freedom lays in the hand of the adversary, Miss Ratched. Their home is a clear depiction of a factory, where an ideal form of a ‘norm’ is made, and Miss …show more content…

She expects those who are on their way to the center are full of fear, regret, and guilt, but once again, McMurphy proves her wrong. Bromden recalls, “He don’t look a bit scared. He keeps grinning at me… He’s singing to them, makes their hands shake.” (Kesey, 282-283) Towards the end of the passage, Bromden notes that the technician’s hands shake, and the explanation of this action would be the fact that he/she has never found one to be glad to be shocked. They have never encountered one that is -almost- ready to undergo therapy, but McMurphy most definitely is. He makes it his goal, and his niche in the institution to question and defy the authorities, while also proving his worth to them. Miss Ratched is cautious for her actions, whereas McMurphy understands that her only purpose of this is to prove her own value, even if at the cost of degrading

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